S.A.R.S. rasprodao prvi koncert u Lisinskom 15. prosinca, novi i posljednji najavljen za dan poslije!
O popularnosti benda S.A.R.S. najbolje svjedoči činjenica da su u rekordnom roku prodane ulaznice za njihov prvi koncert u dvorani Vatroslav Lisinski, 15. prosinca 2017. Zbog velikog interesa publike dodan je još jedan nastup – 16. prosinca u 20 sati koji je ujedno i posljednji.
Ova dva koncerta, koja se organiziraju u suradnji s RTL Musicom, bit će svakako zapamćena i kao iskorak iz okvira jer će omiljeni beogradski bend svoju publiku počastiti održavanjem prvog elektro-akustičnog koncerta u njihovoj karijeri! Osim toga, S.A.R.S.-ovci svojim gostima pripremaju i posebne obrade već dobro znanih hitova s gostujućim instrumentalistima u postavi.
Prvi put u karijeri svirat će u proširenom sastavu od 20-ak glazbenika, a kako bi sve bilo točno onako kako su zamisliti, članovi benda već neko vrijeme održavaju intenzivne probe.
„Drago nam je svima da Zagreb nas cuva i voli iz pocetka i vec smo dobili i tradiciju rasprodanih dvorana… Super je cuti da neće ni Lisinski biti izuzetak. Ovaj elektro-akustični projekat nam mnogo znači, krecemo ga iz Zagreba i hvala svima koji su kupili karte i omogućili nam da napravimo dvodnevno druženje u Zagrebu. Jedna ljubav!“, Izjavio je Žarko Kovačević, frontmen S.A.R.S.-a.
Ulaznice za koncert mogu se kupiti na blagajni dvorane te online putem ulaznice.hrS.A.R.S. sold out the first concert in Lisinsky on December 15th, the newest and the last announced the day after!
About the popularity of the band S.A.R.S. best evidence is that tickets for their first concert in the Vatroslav Lisinski Hall on December 15, 2017 were sold in a record time. Due to the great interest of the audience, another performance was added – December 16 at 20:00, which is also the last one.
These two concerts, organized in cooperation with RTL Music, will certainly be remembered as a step forward from the box as the Belgrade band will honor their audience by holding the first electro-acoustic concert in their career! In addition, S.A.R.S.-ovs prepare their guests for special processing of already well-known hits with guest instrumentalists in the lineup.
For the first time in his career, they will play in an expanded composition of 20 musicians, and in order to make everything precisely the way they imagine, band members have been conducting intensive rehearsals for some time.
„We are pleased that Zagreb keeps us and loves us from the beginning and we already have the tradition of selling out halls … It’s great that Lisinski is not an exception. This electro-acoustic project means a lot to us, we move it from Zagreb and thank you all who bought the tickets and made it possible for us to make a two-day gathering in Zagreb. One love! „, said Zarko Kovačević, SARS frontman.
Tickets for the concert can be purchased at the cashier hall and online via tickets.at