Slavna britanska sopranistica Sarah Brightman će 21. prosinca 2017. u Areni Zagreb prirediti pravu glazbenu poslasticu za sve poklonike klasične glazbe.
U sklopu turneje “Royal Christmas Gala”, ova međunarodna umjetnica i njezini glazbeni gosti održat će svečane koncerte obogaćene raskošnim svjetlosnim efektima.
U pratnji velikog orkestra priprema nam širok glazbeni spektar tradicionalnih božićnih pjesama, među kojima će se naći i njezini veliki svjetski, bezvremenski hitovi, poput „Amigos para Siempre“ te svevremenskog „Time to Say Goodbye“ kojeg je izvodila s Andreom Bocellijem.
Već 30 godina njezin glas odzvanja kazalištima, arenama i stadionima i očarava milijune obožavatelja diljem svijeta. Tome u prilog govore i brojke, više od 32 milijuna prodanih albuma diljem svijeta te preko 180 dodijeljenih zlatnih/platinastih nagrada.
U sklopu koncerta Royal Christmas Gala, popularna Sarah Brightman će prvi puta nastupiti u Hrvatskoj, a ulaznice za veliki božićni koncert potražite u sustavu Eventima. The famous British soprano Sarah Brightman will make a real music treat for all the fans of classical music on the 21st of December, 2017 in Zagreb.
As part of the „Royal Christmas Gala“ tour, this international artist and her music guests will perform festive concerts enriched with gorgeous light effects.
As well as accompanying a great orchestra, we are preparing a wide range of traditional Christmas songs, including her world-wide timeless hits, such as Amigos para Siempre and the timeless „Time to Say Goodbye“ she performed with Andre Bocelli.
For 30 years her voice has been reminiscent of theaters, arenas and stadiums and enchants millions of fans around the world. In addition, the figures include more than 32 million albums sold worldwide and over 180 awarded gold / platinum awards.
As part of the Royal Christmas Gala concert, the popular Sarah Brightman will perform for the first time in Croatia and check out the tickets for a great Christmas concert at Eventim. .