Koncert grupe Scorpions, koji je trebao da se održi 7.decembra 2017, pomeren je na 10. jun 2018. u Štark Areni. Ulaznice koje su kupljene za decembarski termin važe za novi datum. Scorpions se još jednom izvinjavaju zbog odlaganja prvobitno zakazanog koncerta usled bolesti pevača i veoma se raduju susretu sa publikom iz Srbije i regiona 10.juna 2018. u Štark Areni!
Takođe su odloženi i njihovi koncerti u Ostravi i Ljubljani.
U više od 50 godina dugoj karijeri, jedna od najpoznatijih nemačkih grupa, prodala je preko 100 miliona albuma i opravdano se nalazi u “Rock and Roll” Holu slavnih. Proglašeni za “heroje hevi metala” i “ambasadore roka”, osvajali su brojne nagrade, uključujući dve “World Music Awards” i više “Echo” nagrada.
Njihove pesme “Still loving you” , “Wind of Change” i “Send me and Angel” postali su vanvremenski hitovi koji se i dan danas vrte na brojnim radio stanicama ali i pored neverovatnog uspeha ovih balada, Scorpions su prvenstveno hard rok bend koji donosi žestoku energiju na sceni pesmama kao što su “Rock You Like An Hurricane”, “Blackout” , “Dynamite” i dr.
Pedeset godina je prošlo od kad su tinejdžeri Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker i Matthias Jabs lutali ulicama Hanovera koji se budio iz posleratne paralize, noseći svoje intrumente i pojačala. Za ovih 50 godina, postali su najuspešniji nemački rock bend. Veliki broj grupa među kojima su Smashing Pumpkins, Green Day, Korn kao i System Of A Down, obrađivalo je hitove Scorpionsa. Pesma “Rock You Like An Hurricane”do danas je doživela više od 150 obrada raznih muzičara.
Izraziti karijeru u ciframa benda kao Scorpions gotovo je nemoguća misija. Međutim, jedan broj treba spomenuti a to je više od 100 miliona prodatih albuma do danas što čini ovaj bend najuspešnijim rok bendom kontinentalne Evrope!
Veliki broj srebrnih, zlatnih i platinastih priznanja samo su jedan deo istorije Scorpionsa. Važan deo je njihova neprolazna želja za putovanjima. Svirali su više hiljada koncerata na svim delovima planete. Bili su prvi zapadni rok bend koji je 1988. godine rasprodao pet koncerata u tadašnjem Lenjingradu. Takođe, pionirska dostignuća imaju i njihovi rani nastupi u Kini i Južnoj Aziji čime su otvorili vrata ostalim zapadnim bendovima.
Nastupom na festivalu “Moscow Music Peace”, 1989. godine, Scorpions su definitivno osvojili Rusiju kao i inspirisali Klausa da napiše numeru koja je ubrzo postala himna konačnog pada gvozdene zavese – “Wind of Change”.
Tokom više od 50 godina duge karijere bilo je dosta magičnih momenata. Neki su zauvek zabeleženi na uživo albumima, neki na filmovima i video spotovima. Ovi momenti su zacementirali reputaciju Scorpionsa kao jednog od retkih bendova koji se uzdigao iznad gomile.The Scorpions concert, scheduled to take place on December 7, 2017, was moved to June 10, 2018 in Stark Arena. Tickets purchased for the December term are valid for a new date. Scorpions once again apologize for postponing the originally scheduled concert due to the singer’s illness and are very happy to meet with the audience from Serbia and the region on June 10, 2018 in Štark Arena!
Their concerts in Ostrava and Ljubljana were also postponed.
In more than 50 years of long career, one of the most famous German groups, she has sold over 100 million albums and is legally located in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Prominent for „heroic metal heroes“ and „ambassadors of the deadline“, they won numerous awards, including two „World Music Awards“ and several „Echo“ awards.
Their songs „Still Loving You“, „Wind of Change“ and „Send me and Angel“ have become timeless hits that are still roaming today on numerous radio stations, but despite the incredible success of these ballads, Scorpions are primarily hard rock band that brings fierce energy on the stage of songs such as „Rock You Like An Hurricane“, „Blackout“, „Dynamite“ and others.
Fifty years have elapsed since teenagers Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker and Matthias Jabs wandered the streets of Hannover who woke up from post-war paralysis, carrying their instruments and amps. For the past 50 years, they have become the most successful German rock band. A number of groups including Smashing Pumpkins, Green Day, Korn as well as System Of A Down worked on Scorpions’ hits. The song „Rock You Like An Hurricane“ has experienced more than 150 workings by various musicians.
Expressing career in the numbers of the band like Scorpions is almost an impossible mission. However, one number should be mentioned, which is more than 100 million sold albums to date, making this band the most successful rock band of continental Europe!
A large number of silver, gold and platinum confessions are just one part of Scorpions’ history. An important part is their impenetrable desire for travel. Thousands of concerts were played on all parts of the planet. They were the first western rock band that sold out five concerts in Leningrad in 1988. Also, pioneering achievements have their early performances in China and South Asia, opening doors to other Western bands.
Performing at the Moscow Music Peace festival in 1989, Scorpions definitely won Russia as well as inspired Klaus to write a track that soon became the anthem of the final fall of the Iron Curtain – „Wind of Change“.
For more than 50 years, a long career has had a lot of magical moments. Some are forever recorded on live albums, some on movies and video clips. These moments cemented the reputation of Scorpions as one of the rare bands that rose above the crowd.