Nacionalna nedelja mode, “Serbia fashion week“, deveta po redu, biće održana od 20. do 27. novembra u Novom Sadu i Beogradu
Ekskluzivna gošća festivala mode biće Patricija Guči, unuka osnivača dinastije “Gucci“, a biće predstavljeno i prvo izdanje knjige na srpskom jeziku koja govori o tome kako je stvorena imperija “Gucci“.
Tokom “Serbia fashion weeka“ predstaviće se oko 60 dizajnera iz brojnih zemalja, kao i domaći modni kreatori, a kompletan program dostupan je OVDE.National Fashion Week, Serbia Fashion Week, the ninth in a row, will be held from November 20 to 27 in Novi Sad and Belgrade
The exclusive guest of the fashion festival will be Patricia Guchi, granddaughter of the founder of the Gucci dynasty, and the first edition of the book in the Serbian language will be presented, which talks about the creation of the Gucci empire.
During the „Serbia Fashion Week“, around 60 designers from many countries will come together, as well as local fashion designers, and the complete program is available HERE.