Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond u akciji SESTRE TO RADE NAJBOLJE 13 vas poziva na doniranje, druženje i reagovanje!
Ovo veče rešene smo da sakupimo novac za Valentinu, majku troje dece koja je iz porodičnog nasilja upala u partnersko nasilje. Obraćala se i prijavljivala policiji, Centru za socijalni rad i nadležnim institucijama, nije bilo sluha da se on kazni. Nažalost usled nereagovanja nadležnih Valentina i danas ima vidne telesne posledice i strah. Iako ne možemo da rešimo celokupan problem mi želimo da doprinesemo tako što ćemo ovo veče sakupljati novac za slomljenu vilicu i zube.
Postoje organizacije koje se bave problemom nasilja prema ženama, femicidom, a postoje individualni pozivi građanki koji nam se obrate i kažu da bi bilo dobro da pomognemo u ovakvoj situaciji. Naravno mnogo je ovakvih priča, ali nama je važno da sada udruženo skupimo što više kako bi Valentina mogla da jede i da se bez stida smeje Subota u 19h u kafe Ljutić!
Ponesite novac da pijete piće i da donirate u kutiju!
“Sestre to rade najbolje” predstavlja žene koje svojim akcijama, radom, energijom i znanjem čine vidljive promene u društvu.
Naše gošće ove večeri su :
• Ida Prester , muzičarka, novinarka , Lollobrigida
• Nada Đuričković, romska aktivistkinja / Romski centar za žene i decu DAJE
Za DJ pultom je Margarita i slušamo skandinavske zvuke .
SESTRE TO RADE NAJBOLJE se dešavaju 25. novembra kada je sam početak kampanje 16 dana aktivizma protiv nasilja prema ženama, gde i ove godine ponosno stojimo sa svojim prijateljicama i poručujemo:
Budite solidarne/i na večeri davanja onima kojima to sada najviše treba!!!Reconstruction Women`s Fund invites you to its action SISTERS ARE DOING IT BEST 13 to donate, socialize and react, Saturday 07 pm at Buttercup!
This night we dedicated to raising money for Valentina, a mother of three children who from domestic violence got into partner violence. She reached out and reported it to the police, Centre for Social Welfare and other institutions in charge, but none of them did anything to punish him. Unfortunately, due to lack of response from the ones in charge, even today Valentina has visible physical consequences and suffers from fear. Even though we can`t fully solve this problem, we wish to be of help by committing this evening to raising money for Valentina`s broken jaw and teeth.
There are organizations that deal with the issue of violence against women, femicide, and also individual calls of women who tell us it would be good to contribute in such a situation. Of course, there are many stories like this, but what`s now important is to raise as much as possible to help Valentina eat with no problems and smile without feeling shame!
Bring the money for drinks and our donation box!
“SISTERS ARE DOING IT BEST ” represent women whose actions, work, energy and knowledge make visible changes in the society.
Our guests for the evening will be:
• Ida Prester, musician, journalist, Lollobrigida
• Nada Đuričković, Roma activist / Roma Centre for Women and Children DAJE
Our DJ Margarita will play Scandinavian music.
SISTERS ARE DOING IT BEST will be held on November 25, the very beginning of the campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women – the campaign we will, once again this year, realize proudly with our friends, sending out the message that
Show your solidarity at this evening of donations to those who need it the most at the moment!!!