ŠUMADIJSKI INTERNACIONALNI FILMSKI FESTIVAL održava se u gradu Kragujevcu, traje četiri dana od 14. do 17.decembra, 2017. godine kao poslednji filmski festival u godini. Festival prikazuje debitantske filmove koji su bili zapaženi tokom svog bioskopskog i festivalskog života u protekloj godini. Primarni fokus festivala je princip ’’youth-to-youth’’, koji podrazumeva filmove sa tematikom za mlade koje stvaraju mladi autori. U drugoj godini festivala projekcije će imati filmovi iz SAD, Italije, Austrije, Južne Afrike, Francuske, Nemačke, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore i Srbije.
Pored samih filmova, za vas smo pripremili i bogat prateći program – radionice, tribine, žurke!
Dugometražni filmovi
14.12. Pozorište za decu (Dom sindikata)
18:00 Muškarci ne plaču
20:00 Laki
22:00 Skele
15.12. Pozorište za decu (Dom sindikata)
16:00 Sedam činova milosrđa
18:00 Plaćenik
20:00 Naš farmer
22:00 Ne gledaj mi u tanjir
16.12. Pozorište za decu (Dom sindikata)
20:00 Slučajevi pravde
22:00 Lavirint laži
17.12. Pozorište za decu (Dom sindikata)
16:00 Leto 1993
18:00 Praćenje rute
20:00 Gora
22:00 Proglašenje pobednika i projekcija pobedničkog filma
16.12. Kulturni centar UMMUS
15:00 Kratkometražni filmoviŠUMADIJSKI INTERNACIONALNI FILMS FESTIVAL is held in the city of Kragujevac, lasting four days from the 14th to the 17th of December, 2017, as the last film festival of the year. The festival features debut films that were noticed during their cinema and festival life in the past year. The primary focus of the festival is the „youth-to-youth“ principle, which includes films with a theme for young people created by young authors. In the second year of the projection festival will feature films from the USA, Italy, Austria, South Africa, France, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia.
In addition to the films themselves, we have prepared for you a rich accompanying program – workshops, forums, parties!
Feature films
14.12. Children’s Theater (Dom sindikata)
18:00 Men do not cry
20:00 Laki
22:00 Scaffolding
15.12. Children’s Theater (Dom sindikata)
16:00 Seven ranks of mercy
18:00 The Payer
20:00 Our farmer
22:00 Do not look at my plate
16.12. Children’s Theater (Dom sindikata)
20:00 Cases of justice
22:00 Lavirint of lies
17.12. Children’s Theater (Dom sindikata)
16:00 Year 1993
18:00 Route Tracking
20:00 Gora
22:00 Opening of the winner and projections of the winning film
16.12. Cultural Center UMMUS
15:00 Short films