Šišarke – Uživo 22.11.2017. Pub Lazino Tele

Šišarke – Uživo 22.11.2017. Pub Lazino Tele
Trg Slobode, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Šišarke posle dužeg vremena opet sviraju u Lazino Tele.
Novi repertoar.
Još jedna nova gitara.
Stara energija.


Početak u 22h

Ulaz besplatan.

Pab je smesten u srcu Novog Sada, na samo nekoliko minuta od trga Slobode i Zmaj Jovine ulice. Prijatno mesto gde mozete provesti lepe trenutke sa svojim prijateljima, uz dobru muziku i veselu atmosferu. Uvek nasmejano osoblje ce uciniti sve da vam ovo mesto uvek bude zanimljiva stanica. Tocena i flasirana piva, uz veliki izbor alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih pica, uvek ce vam biti posluzena bas onako kako zelite. Posebno preporucujemo i nasu koktel listu kojom se narocito ponosimo. Autentican enterijer nece vas ostaviti ravnodusnim cak i ako vise puta posetite nas pab. Uz svakodnevne programe, od live nastupa bendova iz cele zemlje, pa do DJ vikend veceri, svaki dolazak bice vam zanimljiv i drugaciji. Svako aktuelno sportsko desavanje mozete pratiti na nasim televizorima i bodriti svoj klub ili pojednica.

Osetite razliku!After a while, the Cone play again in Lazino Tele.
New repertoire.
Another new guitar.
Old energy.

Start at 10 pm

The pub is located at the heart of Novi Sad, only a couple of minutes walk from Svetozar Miletic Square and Zmaj Jova Street. This is a place where you can spend some pleasant moments with your friends, listening to high-quality music and enjoying the cheerful atmosphere. The staff will always greet you with a smile and do their best to make this place an interesting stop for you. We have a variety of draught and bottled beer, along with a large number of alcoholic and soft drinks which will be served to you just the way you like it. We are especially proud of our cocktail list and that’s why we sincerely recommend it to everyone. Every time you come, you’ll be amazed by the authentic interior over and over again. Numerous daily events, from the live music shows with performers from all over the country, to the DJ weekend nights, will make your visits interesting and different. You can watch every current sports event and cheer for your favorites on TV screens at the pub.

Feel the difference!


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