23. Festival autorskog filma (FAF) 24.11. – 03.12.2017. Beograd

23. Festival autorskog filma (FAF) 24.11. – 03.12.2017.  Beograd
Dom omladine, Beograd
24.Nov.2017 - 03.Dec.2017

Savet Festivala autorskog filma ističe da je plakat ovogodišnjeg FAF-a inspirisan 1967. godinom, zenitom Novog jugoslovenskog filma, trenutkom najveće dosegnute slobode, kreativnosti i različitosti u istoriji naše kinematografije – filmskom godinom koja je bila anticipacija i uvod u buntovničku ’68. u Jugoslaviji i svetu. Autorka festivalskog vizuelnog rešenja je Vesna Pešić.

„Duh ’67. vodio nas je i u sastavljanju ovogodišnjeg glavnog programa: ka autorima i delima dovoljno odvažnim da probiju sve zadate granice i klišee, i dovoljno nadahnutim da njihova slika današnjice izdrži probu i u nekom budućem vremenu, u susretu sa nekom drugom publikom“, objasnio je umetnički direktor Festivala autorskog filma Srđan Vučinić.

23. izdanje Festivala autorskog filma predstaviće publici raznovrstan program sačinjen od pobednika svetskih filmskih festivala, novih ostvarenja reditelja koje publika festivala voli i odlično poznaje, kao i zanimljivih filmova koji pokazuju nove tokove u autorskom filmu. Kao i svake godine do sada, Festival autorskog filma ugostiće veliki broj renomiranih filmskih stvaralaca koji će pored učestovanja u programima održati nekoliko radionica sa studentima.

Glavna lokacija festivala i ove godine biće Dom omladine Beograda, a festival će se održavati i u Dvorani Kulturnog centra Beograda, Jugoslovenskoj kinoteci, bioskopu „Fontana“, bioskopu „Vlada Divljan“, Domu Kulture Studentski grad, Ustanovi kulture Parobrod i bioskopu Art Kolarčeva Zadužbina.

Festival autorskog filma Beograd (FAF) je osnovan 1994. godine sa ciljem da domaćoj publici predstavi najbolja savremena dela sedme umetnosti. Ostvarenja koja se na festivalu prikazuju drugačija su od većine filmova sa redovnog bioskopskog reperotoara – ne teže pukoj zabavi, već traganju za dubljom, istinitijom i kompleksnijom slikom današnjeg sveta i čoveka.The Film Festival’s essay emphasizes that the poster of this year’s AFF was inspired in 1967, the zenith of the New Yugoslav Film, the moment of the greatest achievement of freedom, creativity and diversity in the history of our cinematography – a movie year that was an anticipation and an introduction to the rebellious ’68. in Yugoslavia and the world. The author of the festival’s visual solution is Vesna Pešić.

„Ghost“ 67 led us in the compilation of this year’s main program: the authors and the pieces are bold enough to break through all the boundaries and clichés, and sufficiently inspired that their painting of the day can withstand the test in some future time, in a meeting with another audience “ explained the artistic director of the Film Festival of Srđan Vučinić.

The 23rd edition of the Film Festival will present to the audience a diverse program made up of winners of the world’s film festivals, new director achievements that the festival’s fans love and are well-acquainted, as well as interesting films showing new trends in the author’s film. As every year so far, the Film Festival is hosted by a number of renowned filmmakers who will attend several workshops with students alongside their participation in the programs.

The main venue of this year’s festival is Belgrade Youth House, and the festival will be held at the Belgrade Center for Culture, the Yugoslav cinema, the Fontana cinema, the cinema „Vlada Divljan„, the Student City Culture House, the Art Department of the Parobrod and Bioskop Art Kolarčeva Zadužbina.

The Film Festival of Belgrade (AFF) was founded in 1994 with the aim of presenting the best modern part of the seventh artworks to the local audience. The achievements shown at the festival are different from most of the films from the regular biopic repertoire – not a harder fun party, but the search for a deeper, truthful and complex picture of today’s world and man.


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