Belgrade Irish Fest 09 – 18.03.2018

Belgrade Irish Fest 09 – 18.03.2018
Beograd, Srbija
09.Mar.2018 - 18.Mar.2018

Beogradski irski festival BIF zamišljen je kao sinergija filmske, pozorišne i muzičke umetnosti. Predstavljajući najbolja ostvarenja irske kinematografije, uključujući klasike i najnovija filmska izdanja irske produkcije i koproduckije, pozorišnu predstavu, kao i živi muzički nastup, ovaj festival ima za cilj da uvede, informiše, edukuje i pre svega zabavi srpsku publiku.

Program festivala ilustruje dobar pregled irske kulture i uključuje jake društvene, istorijske i kulturološke elemente, uvodeći srpsku publiku kroz tok dešavanja od istorijskog i kulturnog značaja za Irsku.

U saradnji sa bioskopom Fontana, Kinotekom, Jugoslovenskim dramskim pozorištem i Domom omladine u Beogradu će se od 11-17. marta 2013. god. održati prvi Beogradski irski festival BIF.

Featuring :
Live Concert “MUNDY
Irish Film Week
Irish and Serbian Theatre Performances
Serbian-Irish Lecture series
Belgrade annual Green Illumination
Irish Street Food with a Serbian Twist
Photography Exhibition & Competitions

 The Belgrade Irish Festival BIF is conceived as a synergy of cinema, theater and music. Presenting the best achievements of Irish cinema, including classics and the latest film editions of Irish production and co-production, theater play, and live music performance, this festival aims to introduce, inform, educate and, above all, entertain the Serbian audience.

The program of the festival illustrates a good overview of Irish culture and includes strong social, historical and cultural elements, introducing the Serbian audience through a course of historical and cultural significance for Ireland.

In cooperation with Cinema Fountain, Cinematheque, Yugoslav Drama Theater and Dom omladine in Belgrade from 11-17. March 2013 to hold the first Belgrade Irish Festival BIF.

Featuring :
Live Concert “MUNDY
Irish Film Week
Irish and Serbian Theatre Performances
Serbian-Irish Lecture series
Belgrade annual Green Illumination
Irish Street Food with a Serbian Twist
Photography Exhibition & Competitions


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