Future Park 15 – 24.12.2017. Sajam

Future Park 15 – 24.12.2017. Sajam
Sajam, Beograd
15.Dec.2017 - 24.Dec.2017
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Iskustvo nakon koga više ništa neće biti isto: Budućnost je stigla u Srbiju, budite deo nje

Najveći zabavni Cyber-Park u Evropi ove godine održaće se u okviru Beogradske zime u hali 4 Beogradskog sajma od 15. do 24. decembra.

Svi pasionirani ljubitelji novih tehnologija, oni koji vole da uče kroz igru, pozitivni radoznalci koji uživaju u čarima savremenog doba, uvek za korak ispred svog vremena, svi oni koji žele da zakorače u budućnost – imaće ove zime priliku da se pridruže tehnološkoj revoluciji i iskuse virtuelnu realnost.

Future Park pružiće posetiocima jedinstvenu šansu da vide i nauče nove stvari, da navijaju za internacionalne timove na gejming turniru, da iskuse 3D experience aktivacije, ali i da se zabave uz raznovrsne muzičke i pozorišne programe.

Gosti Future Parka biće YouTube zvezde koje već imaju milione fanova, čiji su YouTube snimci pregledani preko 600 miliona puta, a koje javnost nestrpljivo očekuje da bolje upozna. Ovaj događaj pružiće mnogima šansu i da se povežu sa IT industrijom, njenim izazovima i velikim projektima koji tek dolaze u Srbiju.

Lista All star učesnika je sastavljena: Muđa i Ćale zvezde Youtube čiji pregledi prelaze milijarde, odlična zabava očekuje vas uz Full Burazere kao i SerbianGamesBL zajedno sa Yaserstainom i naravno Stuberi. Deo Cyber- Parkabiće i dame bez čijih blogava devojke u Srbiji ne mogu zamisliti svoj dan. Muzičke zvezde svojim nastupima pokazaće zbog čega se danima čeka u redu za karte za njihove koncerte I šta je muzika budućnosti. U narednim danima pratite objave vezane za najveći zabavni Cyber park u Evropi kako bi ste saznali ostatak tima snova.

Budućnost gejminga je stigla na velika vrata. Strast ka omiljenim igricama dobija potpuno novu dimenziju.

Međunarodni turnir Winner of Future deo je koji ne smete propustit.

Winner of Future

Nagradni fond: 4000$

Broj timova: 8

XPC (Poljska)

GameAgents (Madjarska)

SEAL (Poljska)

eXtatus (Slovacka)

Locastic (Hrvatska)

Dynamo Brest (Belorusija)

Squared (Srbija)

KlikTech (Slovenija)


Mortal Kombat (Bugarska)

GameAgents (Madjarska)

SEAL (Poljska)

eXtatus (Slovacka)

Locastic (Hrvatska)


Squared (Srbija)

KlikTech (Slovenija)

Grupe ce biti sastavljene od 4 tima, sa sistemom igranja GSL. Svi mecevi ce biti strimovani na Twitch platformi uz studijsku produkciju.

Spektakularno otvaranje održaće se 15. decembra u 15 časova.

Pripremite se da ove zime, tokom deset nezaboravnih dana bogatog programa, iskusite budućnost u jedinom Future Parku u Evropi.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXhS9qnDEEUThe experience after which nothing will be the same again: The future has arrived in Serbia, be part of it

The biggest entertaining Cyber-Park in Europe this year will be held within the Belgrade Winter in the Hall 4 of the Belgrade Fair from December 15th to the 24th.

All passionate lovers of new technologies, those who love to learn through the game, positive curious people who enjoy the charm of modern times, always one step ahead of their time, all those who want to step into the future – will have this opportunity to join the technological revolution and experience this winter virtual reality.

Future Park will provide visitors with a unique opportunity to see and learn new things, to cheer for international teams on a gaming tournament, to experience 3D experience activations, but also to have fun with a variety of music and theater programs.

Guests of the Future Park will be YouTube stars that already have millions of fans, whose YouTube footage is over 600 million times viewed by the public impatiently to get to know each other better. This event will give many opportunities and connect with the IT industry, its challenges and big projects that are still coming to Serbia.

The List of All Star Participants is compiled: The Man and the Stars of the Youtube star whose views exceed billions, a great party expects you to have Full Buzzer as well as SerbianGamesBL along with Yaserstain and, of course, Stubers. A part of Cyber-Parc and ladies without whose blogs are girls in Serbia can not imagine their day. Music stars will show their performances for what they are waiting for days for the tickets for their concerts and what is the music of the future. In the coming days, follow the posts related to the biggest fun Cyber ​​Park in Europe to find out the rest of the dream team.

The future of gaming has reached the big door. Passion towards your favorite games gets a whole new dimension.

The international tournament Winner of Future is part you can not miss.

Winner of Future

Prize money: $ 4000

Number of teams: 8

XPC (Poland)

GameAgents (Hungary)

SEAL (Poland)

eXtatus (Slovakia)

Locastic (Croatia)

Dynamo Brest (Belarus)

Squared (Serbia)

KlikTech (Slovenia)


Mortal Kombat (Bulgaria)

GameAgents (Hungary)

SEAL (Poland)

eXtatus (Slovakia)

Locastic (Croatia)


Squared (Serbia)

KlikTech (Slovenia)

The teams will be composed of 4 teams, with the GSL playing system. All matches will be played on Twitch platform with studio production.

The spectacular opening will take place on December 15 at 3 pm.

Prepare for these winters, during the ten unforgettable days of a rich program, experience the future in the only Future Park in Europe.



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