Hand to Hand i partnering s Henrijem (Laden Classe, IT)
9.5.-11.5.2018. Cirkobalkana šator/Mala dvorana Pogona Jedinstvo
3 sata dnevno / točne satnice ćemo uskoro objaviti
U sklopu radionice istražit ćemo povjerenje i slušanje partnera, upotrebu neverbalne komunikacije s ciljem postizanja „razgovora“ tijelima. Istraživati ćemo kroz fizičku aktivnost i igru.
S tehničke strane, otkrit ćemo i poboljšati elemente stojeva, dinamičke pokrete i statične figure koje su preuzete iz akrobalansa i akrobatske podrške. Paralelno ćemo analizirati udio plesa, improvizacije i slušanja tijela, koje ćemo integrirati u tehniku, s namjerom da ostavimo uobičajeni izričaj i nadopunimo lepezu pokreta sudionika/ca, koji će to moći uvrstiti u svoje izvedbe.
Raditi ćemo na statičnim i dinamičnim elementima u paru s uglavnom stojećom bazom, na podizanjima i spuštanjima „hand to hand“ i „foot to hand“. Uvijek se radi u paru; aktivnosti su otvorene akrobatskim parovima ili pojedincima/kama koji će u nekom trenutku raditi u paru.
Aktivnosti će biti prilagođene fizičkim sposobnostima polaznika/ca.
Kotizacija: 375 kn
Prijavite se na: cirkorama@gmail.com, najkasnije do 6.5.2018. s naznakom: H2H
U prijavi navedite svoje ime i prezime, koliko imate prethodnog iskustva i broj telefona.
O voditelju:
Enrico Formaggi
Njegov interes za cirkusku umjetnosti datira iz 2009 kada je počeo treninrati u sklopu studija fizičkog teatra, žongliranja I klauna. 2010. Ulazi u Galante Garrone školu u Bologni. 2012.sudejluje u Circo-Art projektu u Tendastrisce teatru u Rimu. Od 2012. do 2014. školuje se na FLIC cirkuskoj školi, specijalizirajući “hand to hand”. Od 2013. Radi s duom Tandem Flop pod pseudonimom Henri Camembert. 2015. Pridružuje se projektu Laden Classe.
Hand to hand & partnering workshop with Henri (Laden Classe, IT)
9th to 11th of May 2018. Cirkobalkana tent/Mala dvorana Pogon Jedinstvo
Inside the workshop, we will investigate, through forms of physical activities and games, the trust and the listening of the partner, the use of the nonverbal communication to start to „to converse“ with the bodies.
From the technical point of view, we will discover and improve elements of handstand, dynamic movements and static figures taken from the acroportes and the acrobalance. Parallel we will analyze a commission of dance, improvisation and bodily listening, that it will go to integrate with the technique, in the intent to leave a common dictionary and a baggage to the participants proper of movements, to be able to integrate into their own performances.
We will work on static and dynamic duo elements with mainly a standing base. We will do mounts and dismounts to and from hand to hand and foot to hand.
You will always work in the couple; the activities are opened to working couples or to the single participant that will be matched at the moment. Activities will be contemplated in the base to the physical characteristics and the demands of the participants.
Participation fee: 50 euro
You can apply on cirkorama@gmail.com, latest until 6th of May 2018. with subject: H2H
In application write your name and surname, how experienced are you and your phone number.
Enrico Formaggi
His interest in the circus arts dates back to 2009 when he started his training studying physical theatre, juggling, and clowning. In 2010 he enrolled in the Galante Garrone School in Bologna. In 2012, Enrico took part in the Circo-Art project at Rome’s Tendastrisce theatre.
From 2012 to 2014, he attended the FLIC circus school, specializing in hand-to-hand. Since 2013 he has worked with the Tandem Flop duo adopting the pseudonym Henri Camembert for his performances and shows. Enrico joined the Laden Classe project in 2015.