St. Patricks Day w/ DJ Galich @Club Exit

St. Patricks Day w/ DJ Galich @Club Exit
Kuhačeva 5, Osijek

Dan svetog Patrika je svetkovina u čast sv. Patrika, stara više od tisuću godina. Slavi se 17. ožujka, najviše u Irskoj.

Kao i svake godine, ni ove ga nećemo zaobić i dobro se zabavit uz hektolitre ZELENOG piva i veselu irsku glazbu do ranih jutarnjih sati!

Zabavljat će nas DJ Galich koji je inače rezident našeg eventa Celtic Punk Night.

Za ovu prigodu nam je pripremio same hitove koji će vas tjerat na ples od kojeg ćete naravno i biti žedni 😀

Na repertoaru:
Belfast Food
The Shamrock
Celtic Fantasy Band
Dropkick Murphys
Flogging Molly
The Rumjacks
Paddy And The Rats
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Start 22h
Upad freeSt. Patrick’s Day is a feastday in honor of St. Patrick, aged more than a thousand years old. It is celebrated on March 17, most in Ireland.

Like every year, this one is not too much for us and we’re having fun with hectoliters of GREEN beer and cheerful Irish music by early morning hours!

We will be entertained by DJ Galich who is otherwise the resident of our Celtic Punk Night event.

For this occasion, we have prepared the very hits that will drive you to a dance from which you will naturally be thirsty: D

On the repertoire:
Belfast Food
The Shamrock
Celtic Fantasy Band
Dropkick Murphys
Flogging Molly
The Rumjacks
Paddy And The Rats
etc. etc

Start 22h
Enter  free


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