Sva mesta na kojima smo živeli – promocija 21.11.2017. Zaokret
Partizanska knjiga vas poziva na promociju knjige velškog pisca Ričarda Ovejna Robertsa „Sva mesta na kojima smo živeli“ u utorak 21. novembra u Zaokretu. Na promociji će, pored autora, govoriti urednici Partizanske knjige Srđan Srdić i Vladimir Arsenić. Prevod sa engleskog će biti obezbeđen.
O autoru
Ričard Ovejn Roberts (1982) je autor knjige Sva mesta na kojima smo živeli i to je njegova prva zbirka priča. Opisuju ga kao jednu od najsvežijih književnih pojava u Velsu. Rođen je na ostrvu Môn a sada živi u Kardifu, glavnom gradu Velsa. Zastupa ga Zoi Ros iz agencije Junajted Ejdžents. Pratite ga na tviteru @RichOwainRobs
O knjizi:
U svih sedamnaest priča, Roberts deluje kao autentični tumač neke vrste hipsterskog pakla, pošiljalac poslednjih poruka civilizacije koja je odlučila da komunikaciju prepusti mašinama i tako se odrekne vlastitosti, svega što je milenijumima sticala.
Srđan SrdićAll places we have lived – promotion 21.11.2017. Turn
The Partizan Book invites you to promote the book of Velika pisac Ričara Ovejna Robertsa „All Places We Have Lived“ on Tuesday, 21 November in Turn. The editors of the Partisan book, Srđan Srdić and Vladimir Arsenić, will be on the promotion next to the author. English translation will be provided.
About the author
Ričard Ovejn Roberts (1982) is the author of the book All the places we have lived, and this is his first collection of stories. It is described as one of the most literal phenomena in Vels. He was born on the island of Môn and now lives in Cardiff, the capital of Velsa. Zoi Ros from the United Nations Special Representative. Follow him on the tv @RichOwainRobs
About the book:
In all seventeen stories, Roberts acts as an authentic interpreter of some sort of hypnosis hell, the messenger of the last messages of civilization who has decided to leave the communication to the machines and so renounce their own personality, whatever it has been for millennia.
Srđan Srdić