Pozivamo vas da nam se pridružite 21.travnja na obilježavanju Svjetskog dana cirkusa u Parku Trnjanska Savica! U sklopu Programa Cirkorame u suradnji sa Savica ZA Park, u 16:30, odigrat ćemo Cirkobalkana Kaos Cabaret, a program nastavljamo na adresi Trnjanski nasip bb, u cirkuskom šatoru Cirkobalkane, gdje će u 20:00 ljubitelji/ce dokumentarnog filma doći na svoje filmom „Zid Smrti, i tako to“ u autentičnom cirkuskom prostoru, čije nam je prikazivanje omogućila suradnja s udrugom Restart.
Ulaz na oba događanja je slobodan, dobrovoljna donacija je dobrodošla.
Proslavimo zajedno dan umjetnosti s kojom rastemo, a nikada ne starimo!
CIRKOBALKANA KAOS CABARET, Park Trnjanska Savica, Zagreb,
Kolaž cabaret cirkuskih manira za sve velike i male ljubitelje šale i pošalice, za sve uzraste i ukuse. Ulična poslastica ispunjena žongliranjem, akrobacijama, interakcijom s publikom i humorom na poseban način.
Igraju: Vladana Manić, Nikola Mijatović, Milan Manić, Domagoj Šoić i Jadranka Žinić Mijatović.
20:00 ZID SMRTI, I TAKO TO dokumentarni film
Trnjanski nasip bb, cirkuski šator Cirkobalkane u dvorištu Pogona Jednistvo i kluba Močvara
Redatelj, scenarist i producent: Mladen Kovačević, Srbija
Koproducent: Tibor Keser, Hrvatska
Pridruženi koproducenti: Vanja Jambrović i Oliver Sertić, Hrvatska
Snimatelj: Pablo Ferro, Srbija
Produkcija: Horopter, Srbija i Restart, Hrvatska
Montažer filma: Jelena Maksimović, Srbija
Montažer zvuka: Aleksandar Protić, Srbija
Brankica Nađ provodi svoj život prkoseći gravitaciji vozeći uspravnom cestom koja ne poznaje ni kraj ni početak. Njezina situacija je beznadna, jedina sigurnost koju ima je to da će nastavak takvog života dovesti do ozljede ili smrti. Prepušta se svojim sjećanjima.
„Zid smrti, i tako” nekad je bio središnja atrakcija na sajmištima. Brankičina braća bili su velike zvijezde. Brankica je tada bila “princeza zida” vozeći motor već kao desetogodišnje dijete. Sada, kao 43-godišnja baka šestoro unučadi, to je sve što zna raditi. Nastupa kao vozačica i kaskaderka ponavljajući trikove opasne po život vozeći po zidu drvene bačve visoke 6 metara zvane „Zid smrti”. Provodi život boreći se s gravitacijom jureći po svojoj uspravnoj cesti koja doslovno nema ni početka ni kraja. Tamo je prepuštena beznađu, a nastavak takvog života vodi jedino u sigurnu ozljedu ili smrt. Sve što joj preostaje su sjećanja.
„Zid smrt, i tako“ je karakterni spektakl. Intimna priča o Brankici, o Zidu smrti u njegovoj veličanstvenoj egzistencijalističkoj alegoriji.
Program Cirkorame podržan je od Ministarstva kulture RH i Gradskog ureda za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Grada Zagreba, a odvija se u suradnji sa Pogonom Jedinstvo, Savica ZA Park, udrugom Restart, AKC Medika i klubom Močvara.We invite you to join us on the 21st to mark the World Day of Circus in Trnjanska Savica Park! Within the Program Cirkorama in cooperation with Savica ZA Park, at 16:30, we will play Cirkobalkana Kaos Cabaret, and we continue the program at the address Trnjanski nasip bb, in the circus tent Cirkobalkana, where at 20:00 the documentary film lovers will come to their film „Wall of Death, and so on“ in an authentic circus space, whose rendering enabled us to cooperate with the Restart association.
The entrance to both events is free, voluntary donations are welcome.
Celebrate together the day of the art with which we grow, and never grow old!
CIRKOBALKANA KAOS CABARET, Park Trnjanska Savica, Zagreb,
Collage of cabaret circus manners for all big and small lovers of jokes and poisons, for all ages and tastes. Street treats filled with juggling, acrobatics, interaction with the audience and humor in a special way.
They play: Vladana Manic, Nikola Mijatovic, Milan Manic, Domagoj Soci and Jadranka Zinic Mijatovic.
20:00 WIDTH OF DEATH, AND THIS TO A documentary film
Trnjanski nasip bb, circus tent Cirkobalkane in the yard of the Jedinstvo Drive and club Močvara
Director, screenwriter and producer: Mladen Kovacevic, Serbia
Co-producer: Tibor Keser, Croatia
Associated co-producers: Vanja Jambrović and Oliver Sertić, Croatia
Cinematographer: Pablo Ferro, Serbia
Production: Horopter, Serbia and Restart, Croatia
Film editor: Jelena Maksimović, Serbia
Sound Editor: Aleksandar Protić, Serbia
Brankica Nađ spends her life defying gravity driving an upright road that knows neither the end nor the beginning. Her situation is hopeless, the only security that she has is that the continuation of such a life will lead to injury or death. He’s missing his memories.
„The wall of death, and so“ was once the central attraction at the fairgrounds. Brankina brothers were big stars. Brankica was then a „princess of the wall“ driving the engine as a ten-year-old child. Now, like a 43-year-old grandmother of six grandchildren, that’s all she can do. He performs as a driver and a stuntman by repeating life-threatening tricks riding on the wall of a wooden barrel of 6 meters high, called the „Wall of Death“. He spends his life fighting with gravity arriving on his upright road that literally has neither the beginning nor the end. A hopelessness is left there, and the continuation of such a life only leads to a safe injury or death. All she has left is memories.
„Wall of death, and so“ is a character spectacle. An intimate story about Branka, about the Death Wall in his magnificent existentialist allegory.
The program Cirkorame is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and the City Office for Education, Culture and Sport of the City of Zagreb, and is being implemented in cooperation with