Najveći talenat portugalske electro scene, Switchdance, u KC Gradu!
Switchdance je rezident čuvenog lisabonskog Lux Frágil i smatra se za jednog od portugalskih najboljih i najinovativnijih di džejeva i producenata, čuvenog po svojim eklektičnim i duboko hipnotišućim setovima. Poznat po svom širokom muzičkom dijapazonu i nesputanoj kreativnosti, Switchdance ultimativno teži da provocira publiku time što ruši granice između poznatog i stranog – sve prepreke su momentalno izbrisane, a one konvencije koje ograničavaju druge izvođače smelo su prevaziđene.
Puštao je po svim značajnim klubovima i festivalima u Portugalu i širom Evrope, a Red Bull Muzička Akademija pozvala ga je da pušta na čak dva izdanja Boiler Room-a.
Njegova ljubav za psihodeličnim arpeđima, gotskim melodijama i dusty drum perkusijama umiksana je u jedinstveni zvuk koji se čuje na njegovim produkcijama pod etiketama poput Karakter, Beachcoma, Areal, a od skoro i pod jednom od najveće etikete u modernoj elektronici: Innervisions.
Prodaja karata:
Kulturni centar GRAD – Braće Krsmanović 4
NOVI ZLA SHTEK Smart & Grow Shop – Podzemni prolaz „Palata Albanija“ bb, lokal 3
Nixon Caffe – Mišarska 7
Zaokret – Cetinjska 15Friday 03.11 at KC Gradu
His residency at the aforementioned Lux Frágil has allowed him to share the booth with all of his favourite musicians and main influences. He has played at every significant club and festival in Portugal as well as all over Europe and was invited by the Red Bull Music Academy to play at two editions of Boiler Room.
Taking his love of psychedelic arpeggios, gothic melodies and dusty drum machine-driven percussive moments, he distills and restructures these elements into a unique sound elegantly displayed in his productions showcased on labels such as Karakter, Beachcoma, Areal and, most recently, Innervisions – one of the biggest labels in modern electronic music. His track “O Amolador”, featured on the Secret Weapons 9 compilation, merges mysterious eastern melodies and kraut-rock inspired synths with samples that speak directly to the nostalgia of his youth growing up in Lisbon. It was this distinctive synergy that captured the imaginations of label heads Dixon and Âme along with countless others. With the success of “O Amolador”, Switchdance has been revealed as one of the most promising talents to come out of Portugal in decades