Kao deo akcije Kosmetu na poklon, pozivamo vas da učestvujete u humanitarnom takmičenju u asocijacijama u utorak 28. novembra sa početkom u 19 časova u pabu Ladovina.
Svaki učesnik treba da donese po koji slatkiš, igračku ili školski pribor, koji ćemo pokloniti deci sa Kosova i Metohije povodom zimskih praznika. 🙂
Prijave traju do ponodeljka, 27. novembra! Prijavite se slanjem poruke u inboks stranici Humanitarci Pravni fakultet ili profilu Dragana Janković.
Prijavljuju se samostalni igrači, a svog para u igri će izvlačiti na licu mesta.
Igra ima tri runde. U prvoj rundi potrebno je objasniti što više izvučenih reči svom partneru, ne koristeći tu samu reč.
U drugoj rundi je potrebno objasniti te iste pojmove koristeći samo jednu reč. U trećoj rundi parovi objašnjavaju jedno drugom reči pantomimom.
Studenti su se pokrenuli, pokreni se i ti! Hajde da zajedničkim snagama obradujemo decu sa Kosova i Metohije ♥
https://www.facebook.com/events/298202570685169/As part of the action of Kosmet for a gift, we invite you to take part in a humanitarian competition in associations on Tuesday, November 28, starting at 19:00 in the pub Ladovina.
Each participant should bring in candy, toys or school supplies, which we will give to children from Kosovo and Metohija on the occasion of winter holidays. 🙂
Applications last until Monday, November 27th! Log in by sending a message to the inbox page Humanitarians Faculty of Law or Profile Dragana Janković.
Independent players are registered, and their money in the game will be drawn on the spot.
The game has three rounds. In the first round, it is necessary to explain the more drawn words to your partner, not using the word itself.
In the second round, it is necessary to explain these same terms using only one word. In the third round, couples explain each other’s words to the pantomime.
The students have started, and you are starting! Let’s work together with children from Kosovo and Metohija ♥