Pozivamo vas na završnu konferenciju projekta „Osnaživanje žena Južne Srbije kroz formiranje klastera starih zanata“, koju organizuje Udruženje poslovnih žena Srbije 12.12.2017. godine u Hotelu Tami Residence u Nišu (Durmitorska ulica, prilaz 1), sa početkom u 11.30 časova.
Konferencija će biti propraćena izložbom ženskih rukotvorina pod nazivom „Talenat je u našoj prirodi„.
Učesnice projekta su imale priliku da nakon obuka kroz koje su prošle, nastave uz pomoć konsultantkinje i mentorke da razvijaju svoje inovativne ideje i kreiraju proizvode koje će nam predstaviti na izložbi.
Osim cilja kojim želimo da doprinesemo unapređenje ekonomskog razvoja i da utičemo na problem nezaposlenosti mladih žena u nerazvijenim opštinama, glavni cilj projekta je usmeren ka stvaranju novih mogućnosti (samo) zapošljavanja i smanjenju migracija iz ruralnih područja kroz osnaživanje žena u preduzetništvu.
Radne aktivnosti planirane u okviru projekta bi trebalo da podstiču očuvanje kulturne tradicije, povećanje kvaliteta proizvodnje kao i mogućnost učestvovanja na domaćem tržištu. Projekat je sufinansirala Razvojna agencija Srbije.
Proizvodi učesnica će biti u prodaji putem e-kataloga UPŽ Srbije odmah nakon izložbe.
Potvrda dolaska na konferenciju i izložbu je obavezna na mejl marketing@poslovnezene.org
Ulaz je slobodan.We invite you to the final conference of the project „Empowering women of South Serbia through the formation of club of old crafts“, organized by the Association of Business Women of Serbia 12.12.2017. at the Hotel Tami Residence in Nis (Durmitorska street, approach 1), starting at 11.30 am.
The conference will be accompanied by an exhibition of women’s handicrafts titled „Talenat is in our nature„.
Participants of the project had the opportunity, after the training they went through, to continue with the help of consultants and mentors to develop their innovative ideas and create products that will be presented at the exhibition.
In addition to the goal that we want to contribute to the improvement of economic development and to affect the problem of unemployment of young women in underdeveloped municipalities, the main goal of the project is to create new opportunities (self) employment and reduce migration from rural areas by empowering women in entrepreneurship.
Work activities planned within the project should foster the preservation of cultural traditions, increase the quality of production and the possibility of participating in the domestic market. The project was co-financed by the Development Agency of Serbia.
The products of the participants will be sold through the e-catalog of the UPŽ Serbia immediately after the exhibition.
Confirmation of the arrival at the conference and exhibition is obligatory on the email marketing@poslovnezene.org.rs
The entrance is free.