The Fogsellers 24.11.2017. Owl club

The Fogsellers 24.11.2017. Owl club
Laze Telečkog 10, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

The Fogsellers prvi put u Novom Sadu u Owl klubu.

The Fogsellers su elektronski live bend iz Šibenika. Prošle godine nominovani su za najbolji hrvatski bend u svom žanru. Njihovu muziku odlikuje vrlo poseban i ugodan zvuk plesnog karaktera. Širok instrumentalni repertoar daje im drugačiji značaj, te su prilagodljivi raznolikoj publici.
U toku 2017. godine izlazi i njihov prvi album. Poseban uspeh je i njihov prošlogodišnji nastup Sono Koloro u šibenskom HNK, inače najuspešniji live domaće produkcije lani.
Članovi benda:
Mirko Rak/electro toys & bass
Saša Đurica Sale/drums
Ivan Ković/guitar

Ulaz slobodan! Dobro došli!The Fogsellers first time in Novi Sad at Owl club.

The Fogsellers are an electronic live band from Sibenik. Last year they were nominated for the best Croatian band in their genre. Their music is characterized by a very special and pleasant sound of dance character. A wide instrumental repertoire gives them a different meaning, and are adaptable to a diverse audience.
In the year 2017, their first album is released. A special success is their last year’s Sono Koloro performance in the Sibenik HNK, or the most successful live domestic production last year.
Members of the band:
Mirko Rak / electro toys & bass
Sasa Djurica Sale / drums
Ivan Kovic / guitar

Entrance free! Welcome!


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