The Sonics 13.02.2018. Vintage Industrial

The Sonics 13.02.2018. Vintage Industrial
Savska cesta 160, Zagreb

UTORAK 13.2. • VRATA 20:00 • POČETAK 21:00 •
The Sonics @ Vintage Industrial Bar • 100kn (do 26.11.) / 120kn / 150kn •

Kad god se spomenu garažni rock, punk, hard rock ili grunge opći je konsenzus da bi bez jednog imena budućnost navedenih glazbenih pravaca bila i više nego upitna. Još je davne 1960. u Tacomi, gradu smještenom 50 km južno od Seattlea, gitarist Larry Parypa sa svojim srednjoškolskim prijateljima, uz pomoć brata i mame pokrenuo u početku instrumentalne The Sonics, bend koji je rock’n’rollu udahnuo divlju energiju kakva se dotad nije mogla ni zamisliti.

Nakon niza izmjena do sredine šezdesetih ustalila se klasična postava The Sonicsa koju su činili Gerry Roslie na klavijatuarama i vokalu, Andy Parypa na basu, Larry Parypa na gitari, Rob Lind na saksofonu, usnoj harmonici i vokalima te Bob Bennett za bubnjevima. Ova je petorka u samo godinu dana snimila i objavila dva albuma koja će se desetljećima kasnije vrtjeti na gramofonima mnogih budućih velikana rock glazbe. Ispostavilo se da su i „Here Are The Sonics“ objavljen u ožujku 1965. i „Boom“, objavljen nepunih godinu dana kasnije, bili uistinu revolucionarna izdanja kojima su The Sonics kao nitko prije njih demonstrirali kako rock’n’roll može biti sirov, divlji i neobuzdan. S glasnim gitarama, vrištećim vokalima i razarajućim bubnjevima snimljenima samo jednim mikrofonom The Sonics su bili, pokazalo se, daleko ispred svog vremena pa iz današnje perspektive nije nimalo začuđujuće što su ovakvi genijalci već godinu dana poslije prestali s radom. Neki su upisali studij, neki prešli u druge bendove, a saksofonist i budući pjevač The Sonicsa Rob Lind je 1967. mobiliziran i kao pilot borbenog aviona odlazi u Vijetnam.

Iako se dobrih 10 godina činilo da će The Sonics ostati dijelom zaboravljene rock’n’roll povijesti, eksplozija punka iznova ih vraća u fokus javnosti, u prvom redu zahvaljujući američkim punk bendovima poput The Cramps ili The Dead Boys, te ih se sve češće navodi kao proto-punk bend i jednu od najvažnijih karika u nastanku ovog glazbenog pokreta. Kad je krajem osamdesetih došlo do bujanja lokalne scene u susjednom Seattleu, The Sonics, ponajviše zahvaljujući Mudhoneyu, iznova postaju zanimljivi glazbenim medijima, a kad ih je Kurt Cobain naveo kao jedan od bitnih utjecaja na Nirvanu, posebno apostrofirajući nevjerojatan zvuk njihovih bubnjeva, ovo se ime proširilo diljem svijeta. Odjednom su ljudi postali svjesni da su The Sonics pjesme čuli u obradama Brucea Springsteena, Flaming Lipsa ili The Crampsa, a ako ne tad desetak godina kasnije mnogi su shvatili čije to ime James Murphy ponavlja četiri puta na samom kraju pjesme „Losing My Edge“ njegovih LCD Soundsystema, pjesme kojom je odao počast velikanima glazbe 20. stoljeća.

U vrijeme kad izlazi singl LCD Sounsystema događa se veliki post-punk i garage rock revival u sklopu kojeg ime The Sonics iznova pune novinske retke, budući da ih The White Stripes navode kao jedan od najvećih uzora, no još se jednom prašina oko njih slegla, a da to nije rezultiralo njihovim trajnim okupljanjem. I kad se već činilo da nema nade da ih se vidi s ove strane Atlantika, prije dvije godine, na veliko iznenađenje njihovih sve brojnijih obožavatelja, izlazi sjajan album „This Is The Sonics“, kojim između ostalog postaju rekorderi kad je u pitanju vremenski razmak između dva studijska izdanja. U njihovom je slučaju ta pauza iznosila nevjerojatnih 48 godina, no ono što je još važnije je da je u pitanju nevjerojatno svjež i nadahnut album koji je oduševio kritiku diljem svijeta, pa ga je tako naš Aleksandar Dragaš u Jutarnjem listu proglasio najboljim izdanjem 2015. godine.

Ovo će im biti druga europska turneja kojom promoviraju navedeni album, a u sklopu koje 13.2.2018. dolaze u zagrebački Vintage Industrial Bar.

Ulaznice po promotivnoj cijeni od 100 kuna bit će u prodaji od 7.11. u Dirty Old Shopu (Tratinska 18) i Rockmarku (Berislavićeva 13). Od 27.11. cijena će im biti 120 kuna, na ulazu kluba Vintage na dan koncerta će koštati 150 kn, a ulaznice su dostupne i preko web stranica Dirty Old Shopa i Rockmarka.


Video: 13.2. • DOOR 20:00 • START 21:00 •
The Sonics @ Vintage Industrial Bar • 100kn (until 26.11.) / 120kn / 150kn •

Whenever a garage rock, punk, hard rock or grunge is mentioned, there is a general consensus that without a single name, the future of the mentioned musical lines would be more than questionable. Back in 1960, in Tacoma, a town located 50 miles south of Seattle, guitarist Larry Parypa with his high school friends, with the help of his brother and mother initially launched the instrumental The Sonics, a rock’n’roll band breathing wild energy up to now he could not even imagine.

After a series of changes in the mid-sixties, the classic set up of The Sonic was made by Gerry Roslie on the piano and vocals, Andy Paryp on bass, Larry Paryp on guitar, Rob Lind on saxophone, lip harmonics and vocals and Bob Bennett on drums. This five-year-old has recorded and released two albums in just a year, which will be spinning decades later on the gramophone of many great rock musicians. It turned out that Here’s the Sonics, released in March 1965, and Boom, released a year later, were truly revolutionary releases that The Sonics as no one before them demonstrated how rock’n’roll can be raw, wild and unobtrusive. With loud guitars, screaming vocals and scattering drums recorded with only one The Sonics microphone were, far ahead of their time, and from today’s perspective it’s not surprising that these geniuses had stopped working one year later. Some were enrolled, some moved to other bands, and saxophonist and the future son of The Sonic, Rob Lind, in 1967, was mobilized as a pilot fighter plane to go to Vietnam.

Although good for ten years, The Sonics seemed to be a part of the forgotten rock’n’roll history, the blast of explosion again brings them back to the public’s focus, primarily thanks to American punk bands such as The Cramps or The Dead Boys, and are increasingly reported as a proto-punk band and one of the most important links in the emergence of this music movement. When the end of the eighties saw the local scene come in the adjacent Seattle, The Sonics, thanks to Mudhoney, once again became interesting music media, and when Kurt Cobain described it as one of the major influences on Nirvana, in particular by apostrophing the incredible sound of their drums name spread all over the world. Suddenly people became aware that The Sonics songs were heard by Bruce Springsteen, Flaming Lipsa or The Cramps, and if not then a dozen years later many realized whose name James Murphy repeated four times at the very end of the song „Losing My Edge“ LCD Soundsystem, a song honoring the great music of the 20th century.

At the time of the singles LCD Sounsystem there is a big post-punk and garage rock revival under which the name The Sonics is full of newspapers since The White Stripes are mentioned as one of the largest models, but dust is still around them, and that this did not result in their lasting gathering. And when it seemed that there was no hope of being seen on this side of the Atlantic, two years ago, the surprise of their ever-increasing number of fans, came out a brilliant album „This Is The Sonics“, which amongst other things becomes recorders when it comes to time between two study editions. In their case, this break was amazing for 48 years, but what is more important is that it is a cool and inspiring album that has been delighted with criticism all over the world, so our Alexander Dragaš in the Jutarnji List was declared the best issue in 2015 .

This will be the second European tour to promote this album, and as part of that February 13, 2018. come to Zagreb’s Vintage Industrial Bar.

Tickets at a promotional price of 100 kuna will be on sale from 7.11. in the Dirty Old Shop (Tratinska 18) and Rockmark (Berislavićeva 13). From 27.11. the price will be 120 kuna, at the entrance of the Vintage club on the day of the concert will cost 150 kn, and tickets are also available through Dirty Old Shopa and Rockmarka websites.

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