Therion + guests 06.03.2018. Dom omladine

Therion + guests 06.03.2018. Dom omladine
Makedonska 22, Beograd

MH Concerts i Serbian Hellbangers
ponosno predstavljaju:

THERION + Imperial Age + Null Positiv + The Devil
Live – 06. 03. 2018. Dom omladine Beograda – 18:30h

18:00 – ulaz
18:30 – The Devil
19:30 – Null Positiv
20:35 – Imperial Age
21:50 – THERION

Švedski sympho/gothic metal sastav Therion nastupiće 6. marta iduće godine u Domu omladine Beograda!
Ovog puta, ekipa će promovisati novo izdanje Beloved Antichrist, koje će biti u formi metal opere i sadržaće više od tri sata muzike. Kako je saopšteno iz benda, biće ovo jedinstvena turneja i performans koji se više nikada neće ponoviti.
– Znamo da metal opere više nisu neobična stvar, ali će taj termin od početka sledeće godine dobiti potpuno novo značenje, jer će na našoj biti 29 različitih uloga i vokala, a sve to ćemo pokušati predstaviti i uživo. Trenutno radimo na tom projektu. Ceo koncept je inspirisan delom “A Short Tale of the Antichrist”, koje je 1900. godine napisao ruski filozof i pisac Vladimir Solovjov – navode iz benda.
Therion je kao death metal sastav osnovan još 1987. godine. Bend je dobio ime po grčkoj reči ‘therion’, što znači zver. Tekstovi su im inspirisani različitim mitologijama te ispunjeni okultizmom, magijom i drevnom tradicijom. Therionov put ka vrhu gothic i uopšte metal scene počeo je albumom Theli iz 1996. godine. Na ovom albumu su prvi put kombinovali elemente klasike i metala i to vrlo uspešno. Na albumu su svirali solisti s mnogobrojnim klasičnim instrumentima kao i veliki horovi, što je stvorilo specijalnu dimenziju gothic zvuka grupe. Kako su godine prolazile, lider benda Christofer Johnsson i njegovi saradnici zvuk su sve više bazirali na klasičnim elementima, ali bez gubitka korena. Vovin, njihov do sada najuspešniji album u karijeri, objavljen je dve godine kasnije i za samo dva meseca je prodat u 150.000 primeraka. Nakon albuma Vovin, Therion je snimio još osam studijskih albuma.
Sa Therionom u Beogradu kao specijalni gosti nastupiće bendovi: Imperial Age iz Rusije, Null Positiv iz Nemačke kao i The Devil iz Engleske.

Tekst: Serbian Metal Portal

Ulaznice u prodaji od 28.08.
– akcija, prvih 100 ulaznica 2.200din / RASPRODATO!
– pretprodaja 2.800din
– na dan koncerta 3.200din

Prodajna mesta: Eventim, Felix, Mungos




THE DEVIL Concerts and Serbian Hellbangers
proudly present:

THERION + Imperial Age + Null Positive + The Devil
Live – 06. 03. 2018. Dom omladine Beograda – 18: 30h

18:00 – entrance
18:30 – The Devil
19:30 – Null Positive
20:35 – Imperial Age
21:50 – THERION

The Swedish sympho / gothic metal band Therion will perform on March 6 next year at the Youth House of Belgrade!
This time, the team will promote the new edition of Beloved Antichrist, which will be in the form of metal opera and will contain more than three hours of music. As announced by the band, this will be a unique tour and performance that will never be repeated again.
– We know that metal operas are no longer an unusual thing, but this term from the beginning of the next year will get a completely new meaning, because there will be 29 different roles and vocals in our company, and we will try to present it all this live. We are currently working on this project. The whole concept is inspired by the work „A Short Tale of the Antichrist“ written in 1900 by Russian philosopher and writer Vladimir Solovyov – quotes from the band.
Therion was established as a death metal in 1987. The band was named after the Greek word ‘therion’, which means the beast. The texts are inspired by different mythologies and filled with occultism, magic and ancient tradition. Therion’s path to the top of the gothic and metal scene in general began with Theli’s 1996 album. On this album for the first time combined elements of classics and metal and this very successful. The album featured soloists with numerous classical instruments as well as big choirs, which created a special dimension of the group’s gothic sound. As the years passed, band leader Christofer Johnsson and his associates sounded increasingly based on classic elements, but without losing their roots. Vovin, their most successful career album, was released two years later and sold for 150,000 copies in just two months. After Vovin’s album, Therion recorded eight more studio albums.
With Therion in Belgrade as special guests will perform bands: Imperial Age from Russia, Null Positiv from Germany as well as The Devil from England.

Text: Serbian Metal Portal

Tickets for sale from 28.08.
– action, the first 100 tickets 2,200din / RASPRODATO!
– pre-sale 2.800din
– on the day of the concert 3.200

Prodajna mesta: Eventim, Felix, Mungos






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