Barrio Latino
#Reserve your Sunday for the sexiest Bachata / Kizomba / Salsa party!
Dobračina 30a, II sprat.
Barrio Latino je opušteno, kul mesto u gradu i jedino mesto kome je primarni cilj da okuplja plesače i one koji jednostavno uz đusku uživaju u dobroj muzici“. Tako ga neki opisuju, a mi prosto znamo da će ga svi plesači obožavati ..
Muzičke želje možete postaviti na event
Ulaz: 150dinBarrio Latino
Reserve your Sunday for the sexiest Bachata / Kizomba / Salsa party!
Dobracina 30a, 2nd floor.
GDE ?!
Barrio Latino is a relaxed, cool place in the city and the only place where the primary goal is to bring together dancers and those who just enjoy a good music with their singer. “ Some people describe it, and we just know that all dancers will worship it ..
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Music wishes can be set for the event
Entrance: 150din