800 RSD – promotivna cena (ograničen kontigent dok se ne prodaju ili do 7. maja)
1000 RSD – pretprodajna cena (do kraja dana, 12. maj)
1200 RSD – na dan koncerta (13. maj)
Prodajna mesta: Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX, DD Tickets, FELIX Shop, TC Sremska, Zbornica i Dorćol Platz
Rezervacija ulaznica moguća putem mejla: office@rocksvirke.com (ime i prezime, kontakt telefon).
Toy je engleski bend koga su 2010. godine u Brajtonu oformili školski drugovi, gitarista i glavni vokal Tom Dugal (Tom Dougall), drugi gitarista Dominik O’Der (Dominic O’Dair) i basista Maksim Beron (Maxim Barron), zajedno sa bubnjarom Čarlijem Selvidžem (Charlie Salvidge) i španskom klavijaturiskinjom Alehandrom Dijez (Alejandra Diez). Njihov muzički izražaj kombinacija je šugejza i psihodeličnog roka, post-panka i krautroka.
Prvi singl grupe „Left Myself Behind“ objavljen je 2011. godine za Heavenly Recordings u ograničenom kapacitetu od sto kopija i sve su rasprodate u jednom danu. Te godine bili su predgrupa grupi The Horrors i nastupali su na brojnim festivalima uključujući i Field Days. Naredne godine objavili su istoimenu debi ploču, zaradivši pritom mnoštvo pozitivnih kritika, da bi u maju 2013. nastupali zajedno sa sastavom The Vaccines na njihovoj britanskoj turneji.
Drugim albumom „Join the Dots“ (decembar 2013. godine), koji je ponovo producirao Den Keri (Dan Carey), zacementirali su svoju poziciju jednog od najboljih alternativnih bendova u zemlji, održavši pritom niz svirki u okviru turneje koja je kulminirala njihovom najvećim londonskim koncertom održanom u Shepherd’s Bush Empire areni.
Krajem avgusta 2015. bend je bio deo zanimljivog projekta nazvanog Sexwitch sa Bat for Lashes, odnosno Natašom Kan (Natasha Khan) i producentom Denom Kerijem. Nedugo zatim, Alehandra je obznanila kako napušta Toy, a kao zamena punopravni član grupe postaje Max Oscarnold iz sastava The Proper Ornaments, koji je prethodno bio prateći član benda na turnejama.
Treći i aktuelni album benda, „Clear Shot“, ugledao je svetlost dana 28. oktobra 2016. godine, a producirao ga je Dejvid Vrenč (David Wrench). Snimanje je obavljeno u Eve studiju u Stokportu, dok je za miks ovog izdanja zadužen bio Kris Koudi (Chris Coady) koji je prethodno sarađivao sa bendovima kao što su Beach House, Smith Westerns, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, između ostalih. Album se sastoji od deset numera, a materijal koji nije uspeo da se nađe u ovoj selekciji, objavljen je na bonus EP izdanju.
Izvodi iz kritika:
„“Clear Shot“, treći album britanskog benda, oivičen je zaraznim melodijama i beskompromisnim izvedbama“ – Blurt Magazine
„Ovakvi momenti (poput numere „Dream Orchestrator“) čine „Clear Shot“ grupe Toy najambicioznijim i najznačajnijim albumom do sada“ – AllMusic
„Još jedno odlično izdanje od strane benda koji postepeno gradi … katalog“ – Guardian
„Iznad svega, Toy čini da smo opet uzbuđeni zbog britpopa, što samo po sebi nije mali podvig“ – Exclaim
„Na svom trećem albumu ovaj brajtonski kvintet izgleda da je konačno upregnuo njihove krautork impulse, šugejzirane gitare i MBV distorziju u sasvim pristojne pesme“ – Uncut
One of the best young alternative bands from the UK, TOY (UK), who paid attention to himself the first single „Left Myself Behind“, and later with the debut album from 2012 that brought them performances with the bands The Horrors and The Vaccines , will perform on Sunday, May 13, 2018 at the club Dorćol Platz(Dobracina 59b) organized by RockSvirke.com concert agency starting at 9 pm.
800 RSD – promotional price (limited contingent until sold or until May 7th)
1000 RSD – pre-sale price (by the end of the day, May 12)
1200 RSD – on the day of the concert (May 13)
Outlets: Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX, DD Tickets, FELIX Shop, TC Sremska, Zbornica and Dorćol Platz
Ticket reservation is possible via e-mail: office@rocksvirke.com (name and surname, contact telephone).
Toy is an English band founded by schoolmates, guitarist and lead vocalist Tom Dougall in 2010, second guitarist Dominic O’Deer (Dominic O’Dair) and bassist Maxim Barron, along with a drummer Charlie Salvidge and Spanish keyboardist Alehandra Diez (Alejandra Diez). Their musical expression is a combination of sung and psychedelic rock, post-punk and krautroka.
The first single „Left Myself Behind“ was released in 2011 for Heavenly Recordings in a limited capacity of one hundred copies and sold out all in one day. That year they were pre-group The Horrors and performed at numerous festivals including Field Days. The following year, they released the debut record of the same name, winning a number of positive reviews, in May 2013, along with The Vaccines on their British tour.
The second album „Join the Dots“ (December 2013), re-produced by Den Carey, cemented their position as one of the best alternative bands in the country, holding a series of gigs in a tour that culminated in their biggest London a concert held at the Shepherd’s Bush Empire Arena.
In late August, the band was part of an interesting project called Sexwitch with Bat for Lashes, and Natasha Khan and producer Dan Kerry. Shortly thereafter, Alehandra announced that she was leaving Toy, and as a replacement, a full member of the group becomes Max Oscarnold of The Proper Ornaments, who was previously a member of the band on tour.
The third and current album, „Clear Shot“, saw the light on October 28, 2016, and was produced by David Wrench. The recording was done at Steve’s Eve Studios, while Chris Coady, who previously worked with bands such as Beach House, Smith Westerns, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, included the mix of this release. The album consists of ten tracks, and the material that failed to be found in this selection, was released on the bonus EP release.
Statements from criticism:
„Clear Shot“, the third album of the British band, is full of contagious melodies and uncompromising performances „- Blurt Magazine
„Such moments (such as“ Dream Orchestrator „) make“ Clear Shot „Toy Toy the most ambitious and most important album so far“ – AllMusic
„Another great release from the band that gradually builds … catalog“ – Guardian
„Above all, Toy makes us excited again because of the Britpop, which is not by itself a small feat“ – Exclaim
„In his third album, this Brighton quintet seems to have finally tapped their handwriting impulses, guitar guitars and MBV distortion into quite decent songs“ – Uncut