Dragi prijatelji, dame i gospodo, drage Nislije, drugari i umetnici. Desetog Januara 2018. (sreda) u 20h. u Nisu u hali Cair odrzace se Tradicionalni Novogodisnji koncert sa jos vise svetskih imena iz domena klasice muzike. Ne budite lenji i pogledajte reklamu od 34 sec. jer sigurno nekog od vasih poznanika ili porodice bas ovakav koncert i dogadjaj interesuje i prizeljkuje. Zapocnite Novu godinu lepim notama. Omladinska (Srpska) filharmonija Naissus vas ocekije
Ulaznice FORUM SHOPING CENTAR, i KNJIZARA NUSIC od 6. Decembra 2017.Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, dear Nislia, friends and artists. January 10, 2018 (Wednesday) at 08 pm. in Nis in the Cair Hall, a traditional New Year concert will be held with even more world names from the music class. Do not be lazy and watch a commercial of 34 sec. because of certain of your acquaintances or family, this kind of concert and event is interesting and coveted. Start New Year with nice notes. Youth (Serbian) Philharmonia Naissus is eyeing you
Tickets FORUM SHOPING CENTER, and KNJIZARA NUSIC from December 6, 2017
Tradicionalni Novogodisnji koncert 10.01.2018. Hala Čair

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