Transmitter 27.01.2018. KC Lab

Transmitter 27.01.2018. KC Lab
Dr.Hempta 2, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Kalson b2b Direct Control
Ulaz: FREE


Iza ovog alisa stoji nišlija Vladan Cvetković. Već više od 12 godina je fokusiran na Electro zvuk i njegovo muzičko izdavalaštvo broji nekoliko 12″ ploča i digitalnih izdanja za etikete poput Dominance Electricity, Street Sounds, Electro Avenue… Ovaj nestandardni klupski zvuk promoviše dugi niz godina na festivalima, klupskim dogadjajima u gradu i Srbiji, sa svojim prijateljima iz E75 etikete i drugim lokalnim organizacijama. Jedan je od odgovornih ljudi koji su tokom godina radili na obogaćivanju klubskih i festivalskih dogadjaja u svom gradu i regiji i omogućio sugradjanima da slušaju neka od najcenjenijih Electro imena kao sto su Anthony Rother, Steve Bug, Alex Smoke, Sneak Thief, Dagobert, Arcadion, Dj Overdose…

Direct Control aka Skal (Novi Sad)

Dj i producent.
Na domaćoj sceni od 2004 godine.
Jedan je od osnivača „Electric Cafe“ emisije na AS radiju i od 2005 postaje resident dj na Elektrana Stageu na Exitu.
Direct Control je prvobitni projekat namenjen promociji starijeg i novijeg electro zvuka tipa Kraftwerk.
Pored mnogobrojnih gostovanja i organizacija u regionu, može da se pohvali i sa par izdatih electro pesama na vinil i cd kompilacijama stranih izdavačkih kuća.
Danas se u njegovom setu mogu naći najfinije underground breaks trake kao i mracniji old school electro zvuk.
Kalson b2b Direct Control
Entrance: FREE


Behind this alis is Vladislav Cvetkovic. For more than 12 years, he has focused on Electro sound and his music publishing counts a number of 12 „records and digital editions for labels such as Dominance Electricity, Street Sounds, Electro Avenue … This non-standard club sound has been promoting for many years at festivals, club events in city ​​and Serbia, with its friends from the E75 label and other local organizations.One is one of the responsible people who have worked over the years to enrich club and festival events in his city and region, and enabled the audience to listen to some of the most valuable Electro names such as Anthony Rother, Steve Bug, Alex Smoke, Sage Thief, Dagobert, Arcadion, Dj Overdose …

Direct Control aka Skal (Novi Sad)

DJ and producer.
On the domestic scene since 2004.
He is one of the founders of the „Electric Cafe“ show on the AS radio and since 2005 became a resident dj at the Elektrana Stage at Exit.
Direct Control is the original project aimed at promoting older and newer electro sounds of Kraftwerk type.
In addition to numerous roles and organizations in the region, it can boast a few of the electro songs on vinyl and cd compilations of foreign publishing houses.
Today, in his set, you can find the finest underground breaks and the darker old school electro sound.


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