U subotu 20. januara, na perfektnom zvučnom sistemu, u renoviranom i proširenom prostoru kluba KPTM, Kolektiv TRIII najavljuje gostovanje holandskog tehno dvojca ARTEFAKT, koje je zakazano za 3./4. februar 2018. godine.
Artefakt Live presented by TRIII
Biće predstavljen deo muzičkog opusa sastava Artefakt, kao i najnovija izdanja nekoliko žanrova tehno muzike.
Podelićemo i nekoliko karata za pomenuti događaj.
Sastanak je zakazan za 23h.On Saturday, January 20th, in a perfect sound system, in the renovated and expanded space of the KPTM club, Kolektiv TRIII announces the performance of the Dutch techno-double ARTEFAKT, scheduled for 3rd and 4th. February 2018.
Artefakt Live presented by TRIII
A part of the artifacts of Artefakt will be presented as well as the latest releases of several genres of techno music.
We will also send a few cards to the event.
The meeting is scheduled for 23h.