Nastali su kao kućni projekat Boška Mijuškovića (Straight Mickey and the Boyz, Škrtice, Dol, Seine) i njegovog mlađeg brata Džimija. Na koncertu 10-og februara, Turisti će predstaviti celokupan materijal sa svog prvog albuma, čiji se izlazak sa nestrpljenjem očekuje, kao i nove pesme koje će se naći na drugom studijskom albumu. Proverite zašto su Turisti najčešće spominjano ime u poslednje vreme.
Nakon koncerta vas očekuje žurka. Šarmantni duo Bikini (Jelena Kecić i Marija Šević) puštaće muziku za vas do sitnih sati.
Karte u pretprodaji 400 rsd.
Na dan koncerta cena karata će iznositi 600 rsdTourists come to KC Grad!
They were created as a home project by Boško Mijušković (Straight Mickey and the Boyz, Skirt, Dol, Seine) and his younger brother Jimmy. At the concert on February 10th, Tourists will present the entire material from their first album, whose exit is eagerly anticipated, as well as new songs to be found on another studio album. Check why Tourists are the most frequently mentioned name lately.
After the concert, a party is waiting for you. The charming duo Bikini (Jelena Kecić and Marija Šević) will play music for you until little hours.
Tickets in pre-order 400 rsd.
On the day of the concert the price of tickets will be 600 rsd