Tročlani bend iz Zagreba TúsNua objavio je svoj prvi album „Horizons“ 15. rujna ove godine, a album su publici predstavili putem svoje Bandcamp stranice. Koncertno predstavljanje albuma bit će 14. prosinca u zagrebačkoj Tvornici kulture.
Svoje studijsko izdanje najavili su singlovima „Matches“ i „Geysir“ te spotovima za iste pjesme. Na albumu je ukupno 9 pjesama, koje su snimali i miksali u periodu od godinu dana u ChickenSound Studiju (Vedran Kovačić-Beli). Master su radili Vedran Kovačić-Beli i Valent Samardžija, dok je za ilustracije i dizajn zaslužna Eva Badanjak.
Uz standardnu postavu benda (Jordi Ilić, Jelena Božić, Matea Milevoj), na nekoliko pjesama su gostovale članice benda Žen, Sara Ercegović (bubnjevi na „Geysir“, „Obvious“ i „Repeat“) i Eva Badanjak (synth na „There’s a thinlinebetweeneverything“), zatim Ivana Picek (Pi) kao back vokal na „There’s a thinlinebetweeneverything“, Lucija Potočnik (Irena Žilić, ex Mika Male) koja je odsvirala bas na „Matches“, te Goran Grey (###) koji je gostovao na bubnjevima za „Fight“, a na nekolicini pjesama u aranžmanu je sudjelovala Emerge Dora (ex Bleeding on Wednesday, Vice Atlantic).
TúsNua su dosad nastupale u Belgiji, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj, a na listu zemalja su dodale i Austriju gdje su 11.11. nastupale u Postgarageu u Grazu. Bend će uskoro najaviti nove koncertne datume.
Ulaznice možete nabaviti u sustavu Entrio u pretprodaji po cijeni od 25 kuna, dok će na dan koncerta upad biti 35 kuna.The band from Zagreb TousNua released its first album „Horizons“ on September 15 this year, and released the album through its Bandcamp site. The concert performance of the album will be December 14 at the Zagreb Culture Factory.
Their studio release announced the singles „Matches“ and „Geysir“ and the videos for the same song. The album has a total of 9 songs, which were recorded and mixed in a period of one year at ChickenSound Studio (Vedran Kovačić-Beli). The master was Vedran Kovačić-Beli and Valent Samardžija, while Eva Badanjak was the illustrator and designer.
In addition to the standard band arrangement (Jordi Ilić, Jelena Božić, Matea Milevoj), several songs were performed by members of the band Žen, Sara Ercegović (drums on „Geysir“, „Obvious“ and „Repeat“) and Eva Badanjak (synth on „There’s a , and Ivana Picek (Pi) as a back vocal to „There’s a thinlinebetweeneverything“, Lucija Potočnik (Irena Žilić, ex Mika Male) who played bass on „Matches“ and Goran Gray (###) on the drums for „Fight“, and on some songs in the arrangement were Emerge Dora (ex Bleeding on Wednesday, Vice Atlantic).
TusNua has been in Belgium, Slovenia and Croatia so far, and on the list of countries they have also added to Austria, where 11.11. performed at Postgarage in Graz. Bend will soon announce new concert dates.
You can buy tickets in Entrio at a pre-sale price of 25 kuna, while on the day the concert will be 35 kuna.