„Igra Bogova“ – Novi plesni spektakl trupe Una Saga Serbica
Una Saga Serbica profesionalni je igrački ansambl sa uspešnom tradicijom modernog scenskog spektakla.
Kroz igru, muziku, kostime, scenografiju, ali i specijalne efekte, ova trupa predstavlja novu formu oživljavanja izvornog balkanskog folklora.
Od svoje prve premijere u Sava Centru, 2013. godine, mladi, profesionalni igrači trupe Una Saga Serbica godinama oduševljavaju publiku povezujući igru i atraktivan vizuelni doživljaj, kao i etno ritmove sa modernim notama.
Najnoviji spektakl ovog ansambla premijerno će biti izveden 5. maja 2018. godine u Velikoj dvorani Sava Centra u 20 časova, i nosi naziv “Igra Bogova”.
Pokretima trideset plesača i solista, Una Saga Serbica ispričaće ljubavnu priču upletenu u prizmu narodnog predanja, kroz uticaj raznih božanstava i mitskih bića u koje se nekada verovalo širom Balkana.
Od vrsnih poznavalaca muzike naših prostora do onih koji su se sa njom prvi put upoznali, jednoglasni zaključak bio je da Una Saga Serbica oživljava “magiju Balkana”, pružajući publici plesni doživljaj svetskog ranga.
“Igru Bogova” predvode:
Solisti: Nataša Nenadić, Ivan Mileusnić;
Kompozitori: Aleksandar Lokner, Goran Kovačić;
Koreografi: Ana Krstić, Svetozar Krstić;
Kostimograf: Ivana Vasić;
Reditelj: Boško Đorđević;
Ticket prices: 900, 1100, 1600 and 2200 dinars
„Game of the Gods“ – New dance spectacle of the Una Saga Serbica
Una Saga Serbica is a professional toy ensemble with a successful tradition of modern stage spectacle.
Through the game, music, costumes, scenography, and special effects, this troupe represents a new form of revival of the original Balkan folklore.
Since its first premiere in the Sava Center in 2013, young, professional players of the Una Saga Serbica team for years have been delighting the audience by connecting the game and an attractive visual experience, as well as ethno rhythms with modern notes.
The most recent spectacle of this ensemble will be premiered on May 5, 2018 in the Great Hall of the Sava Center at 20:00, and it will be called „The Game of the Gods“.
The movements of thirty dancers and soloists, Una Saga Serbica, will tell the love story involved in the prism of folk tradition, through the influence of various deities and mythical creatures that were once believed throughout the Balkans.
From the excellent music experts of our area to those who first met with her, the unanimous conclusion was that Una Saga Serbica revives the „magic of the Balkans“, providing the audience with a dance experience of the world rankings.
„The Game of Gods“ is led by:
Soloists: Nataša Nenadić, Ivan Mileusnić;
Composers: Aleksandar Lokner, Goran Kovačić;
Choreographers: Ana Krstic, Svetozar Krstic;
Costume designer: Ivana Vasić;
Director: Boško Đorđević;