United for Marina 06.12.2017. Labeerint

United for Marina 06.12.2017.  Labeerint
Balkanska 2a, Niš


Pored mnogobrojnih aktivnosti koje se odigravaju u okviru inicijative Social Inclusion Days, sledi i najbitniji događaj u vidu humanitarne žurke, sa ciljem da se pomogne Marini Kovačev u borbi protiv glioblastoma – najagresivnijieg oblika primarnog tumora na mozgu.
Marina Kovačev je rođena 1990. u Bečeju. Operisana je letos u Novom Sadu, gde je primila 30 doza zračenja i sada joj sledi još 5 meseci citostatika. Međutim, troškovi njenog lečenja i nege su veoma visoki, i svaka pomoć je dobrodošla. Marina je završila gimaziju u Bečeju, a žurnalistiku (BA) i ljudske resurse (Master) na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu. Zapošljena je kao novinar, a veoma je aktivna u svojoj lokalnoj zajednici kao volonter.
Pored njenih prijatelja iz Bečeja koji se trude da joj pomognu na svaki mogući način ( primer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1OnHOuTE1E&feature=youtu.be ), ESN Niš je odlučio da se priključi njenoj borbi.

Nadamo se da ćete doći u što većem broju i zajedno sa nama pokazati da kada smo udruženi i mi možemo mnogo toga da postignemo i omogućimo nekom bolje sutra!

Žurka se održava 06.12. 2017 u Labeerintu.
Cena ulaznice: 200 rsd

*Za sve koji žele da pomognu, a nisu u mogućnosti da dođu na žurku:
Žiro račun: 340-32295876-73, Erste banka
Za uplate iz inostranstva:
IBAN RS35340000003229587673

Dear friends,

In addition to the numerous activities that are happening within the framework of the Social Inclusion Days initiative, the most important one will happen in the form of a humanitarian party, with the aim to help Marina Kovacev in her fight against glioblastoma – the most aggressive form of primary brain tumor.

Marina Kovačev was born in 1990 in Bečej. She had an operation this year in Novi Sad, where she also received 30 doses of radiation and is now followed by another 5 months of cytostatics. However, the costs of her treatment and care are very high, and any help is welcome. Marina finished the gymnasium in Bečej, and journalism (BA) and human resources (Master) at the University of Novi Sad. She is employed as a journalist and she is very active in her local community as a volunteer.
Besides her friends from Bečej who are trying to help her in every possible way (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1OnHOuTE1E&feature=youtu.be), ESN Nis decided to join her fight!

We hope that you will come in as many numbers as possible and show that when united together, we can help a lot and enable somebody a better tomorrow!

The party is held on 06.12. 2017 in Labeerint.
Ticket price: 200 rsd

* For anyone who wants to help, and is not able to come to the party:
Giro account: 340-32295876-73, Erste Bank
For payments from abroad:
IBAN RS35340000003229587673Friends !!!

In addition to the numerous activities that take place within the Social Inclusion Days initiative, the most important event in the form of a humanitarian party is followed, with the aim of helping Marini Kovacev fight glioblastoma – the most aggressive form of primary brain tumor.
Marina Kovačev was born in 1990 in Bečej. It was operated this year in Novi Sad, where it received 30 doses of radiation and is now followed by another 5 months of cytostatics. However, the costs of her treatment and care are very high, and any help is welcome. Marina finished the gymnasium in Bečej, and journalism (BA) and human resources (Master) at the University of Novi Sad. She is employed as a journalist and she is very active in her local community as a volunteer.
In addition to her friends from Bečej who are trying to help her in every possible way (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1OnHOuTE1E&feature=youtu.be), ESN Nis decided to join her fight.

We hope that you will come in as many numbers as possible and show us that when we are together, we can do a lot of things and make a better tomorrow!

The party is held on 06.12. 2017 in Labeerint.
Ticket price: 200 rsd

* For anyone who wants to help, and they are not able to come to the party:
Giro account: 340-32295876-73, Erste Bank
For payments from abroad:
IBAN RS35340000003229587673

Dear friends,

In addition to the numerous activities that take place within the framework of the Social Inclusion Days initiative, the most important one will happen in the form of a humanitarian party, with the aim of helping Marina Kovacev in her fight against glioblastoma – the most aggressive form of primary brain tumor.

Marina Kovačev was born in 1990 in Becej. She had a surgery this year in Novi Sad, where she also received 30 doses of radiation and is now followed by another 5 months of cytostatics. However, the costs of her treatment and care are very high, and any help is welcome. Marina completed the gymnasium in Becej, and journalism (BA) and human resources (Master) at the University of Novi Sad. She is employed as a journalist and she is very active in her local community as a volunteer.
Besides her friends from Bečej who are trying to help her in every possible way (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1OnHOuTE1E&feature=youtu.be), ESN Nis decided to join her fight!

We hope that you will come as many numbers as possible and show that when we are united together, we can help a lot and make someone better tomorrow!

The party is held on 06.12. 2017 and Labeerint.
Ticket price: 200 rsd

* For anyone who wants to help, and is not able to come to the party:
Giro account: 340-32295876-73, Erste Bank
For payments from abroad:
IBAN RS35340000003229587673


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