PONEDELJAK, 25. DECEMBAR 2017. U 19:00
Tribina Društva ljubitelja fantastike „Lazar Komarčić“
Moderator: Bojan Butković
U SF krugovima izrazito poznati Nil Stivenson i u istim tim krugovima srazmerno manje poznata Nikol Galand udružili su se oko literarnog poduhvata ciglastog obima „Uspon i pad DODO-a“.
Naočiti vojni obaveštajac/fizičar sreće nešto manje naočitu, ali zato dražesno smotanu doktorku klasičnih nauka i uvaljuje joj ogroman broj istorijskih tekstova na prevod. Ona se prihvata posla, i odmah shvata nešto neobično: svi do jednog se tiču magije, i govore o magiji kao o opštepoznatoj pojavi.
I to je najmanje čudan deo romana.
Stivenson i Galandova opisuju njihova dalja istraživanja, bolno očiglednu seksualnu tenziju i neobične doživljaje iz perspektive više likova, uz brojne varijacije forme i karakterističan humor na tragu Stivensonovog Kriptonomikona. Alternativnoistorijski magijski SF zvuči kao sumnjiva kombinacija žanrova, ali da li je i nemoguća? BOOK # 53: „The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O“
MONDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2017 At 07 pm
Tribune of the Fantasy Fans Society „Lazar Komarčić“
Moderator: Bojan Butković
In the SF circuits, Nil Niwanson is well-known and, in the same circles, the lesser known Nicholas Galand have joined together about the literary undertaking of the cigar volume „Rise and Fall of DODO“.
The sighted military intelligence / physicist encounters something less spectacular, but, therefore, fondly wound up a doctor of classical science and lets her have a huge number of historical texts for translation. She accepts the work, and immediately realizes something unusual: every one of them deals with magic, and speaks of magic as a commonly known phenomenon.
And that’s the least strange part of the novel.
Stevenson and Galand describe their further research, painfully apparent sexual tension and unusual experiences from the perspective of multiple characters, with numerous variations of form and characteristic humor on the trail of Stivenson’s Cryptoiconon. Alternativeist magical SF sounds like a suspicious combination of genres, but is it impossible?