Veče Darka Rundeka 09.11.2017. Normalno mesto

Veče Darka Rundeka 09.11.2017. Normalno mesto
Strahinjića Bana 1, Beograd

Veče Darka Rundeka 09.11. Normalno mesto, Četvrtak od 20h  do 00h

,, …i ne boj se buke
to što svira, to su ruke…“

Nastavljamo sa serijalom domaćih velikana i sledeći na redu je Darko Rundek ! Slušaćemo njegov bogat umetnički opus – što solo što sa Haustorom što sa Cargo Orkestrom, a usput će se čuti i po nešto od njegovih kolega sličnog senzibiliteta : Azra, Film, EKV, Vještice, Aerodrom, Ničim Izazvan, Urban & 4, Vlada Divljan, Del Arno Band, Jinx…

Rezervacije možete slati u inbox stranice Normalnog mesta .Night with Darko Rundek 09.11. Normal place , Thursday at 08 pm / 12 am

„… and do not be afraid of the noise
what’s playing, those are hands … “

We continue with a series of domestic giants and the next is Darko Rundek! We will listen to his rich artistic opus – as solo as with Haustor and with the Cargo Orchestra, also will be playing some of his colleagues of similar sensibility: Azra, Film, EKV, Witches, Aerodrom, Nichim Izazvan, Urban & 4, Vlada Divljan, Del Arno Band, Jinx …

You can send reservations to the Normal place fb inbox.


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