U utorak 28. novembra u Ben Akiba comedy club & baru održava se još jedno veče improvizacije, a nastupaju Srđan Dinčić, Aleksandar Perišić, Ivan Nikolić i Nikola Silić.
Komedija improvizacije ili improv predstavlja scensku formu u kojoj se većina ili ceo izvedeni materijal smišlja na samoj sceni tokom nastupa. To znači da se sve priče, dijalozi i akcije izvode bez prethodno pripremljenog materijala tako da komičari kroz različite igrice demonstriraju svoju duhovitost, kao i brzinu smišljanja fora i odgovora u datoj situaciji.
Komičari će igrati različite igre poput Detektora laži i Čija je ovo rečenica, tako da će veče biti dinamično.
Komediju improvizacije komičari prvi put su izvodili za našu emisiju “Stand up&more” (Stand up i više) na kanalu Comedy Central Extra, a od tad su ovi nastupi i deo redovnog repertoara u klubu Ben Akiba comedy club & bar.
Cena ulaznice: 400 dinara
Telefon za rezervacije svakog dana od 12h do 21h: 060 30 60 131
Vrata otvaramo u 20:00h, program počinje pola sata kasnije u 20:30h.
Vidimo se!On Tuesday, November 28th, at the Ben Akiba comedy club & bar, another evening of improvisation will be held, with Srdjan Dincic, Aleksandar Perisic, Ivan Nikolic and Nikola Silic performing.
The comedy of improvisation or improv represents a scene form in which most or all of the produced material is conceived on the scene itself during the performance. This means that all stories, dialogues and actions are performed without pre-prepared material so that comrades through various games demonstrate their wit, as well as the speed of thinking and response in a given situation.
The comedians will play various games such as the Lie Detector and whose is the sentence, so that the evening will be dynamic.
Comedy improvisation comedians first performed for our show „Stand Up & More“ on Comedy Central Extra, and since then, these performances have been part of the regular repertoire at Ben Akiba comedy club & bar.
Ticket price: 400 dinars
Phone for reservations every day from 12 pm to 09 pm: 060 30 60 131
We open the door at 20:00, the program starts half an hour later at 08:30 pm.