Poslednji dan Kontakt konferencija u Elektropioniru rezervisan je za VIS Limunada, uz podršku Ljubičice&Co. iz Pančeva i Bohemija iz Niša!
Ulaz na Ljubičice i Bohemiju slobodan,
Cena karte na ulazu za VIS Limunadu – 400 din
Sve počinje od 20 časova pa se potrudite da dođete na vreme!
VIS Limunada neguje savremenu muziku inspirisanu trajnim vrednostima popularne kulture 50-ih i 60-ih godina XX veka, sa posebnim osvrtom na specifičnosti jugoslovenske kulture tog perioda. Okosnica muzičkog i stilskog koncepta VIS-a Limunada je urbana kosmopolitska omladinska kultura izražena muzikom šlagera, rock’n’roll-a, beat-a i soul-a, ovekovečena filmovima poput La Dolce Vita (Italija, 1960) i Ljubav i moda (Jugoslavija,1961).
VIS Limunada izvodi autorske numere, autorske prepeve kao i domaće i strane numere na srpsko-hrvatskom, engleskom, italijanskom, španskom, francuskom i nemačkom jeziku. Koristeći pažljivo odabrane, autentične muzičke instrumente, kao i elegantne kostime VIS Limunada spaja eleganciju rivijera i festivala sa uzbudljivim ritmom metropola i omladinskih zabava.
Insprišući se tekovinama globalnog tehnološkog, društevnog i kulturnog napretka, nastalog u periodu svetskog preporoda šeste i sedme decenije XX veka, kao i njegovim recidivima na jugoslovenskom prostoru, VIS Limunada bez nostalgije ali sa velikim žarom, nastoji da savremenu publiku inspiriše na pozitivan, kultuvisan i konstruktivan odnos prema izazovima današnjice.
Ljubičice su indi elektropop duo iz Pančeva. Autori i producenti, Stevanović/Stevanović, već gotovo deceniju predstavljaju nezaobilazni deo regionalne alternativne muzičke scene. U tesnoj saradnji sa desetinom vrhunskih muzičara, rasprostranjenih širom Evrope, izvode najrazličitije koncertne eksperimente, od elektro-scenskih spektakala do intimnih akustičnih nastupa.
Scenski debi njihove muzike osvojio je prvu nagradu na takmičenju bendova Tvoj Zvuk, a već naredne godine proglašeni su za najperspektivniji mladi bend od strane magazina Popboks. Od tada su objavili tri albuma, dva EP izdanja i četiri singla, uz brojne saradnje sa muzičarima širom sveta, i nastupali na gotovo svim većim festivalima u regionu.
U svom novom projektu grade neobični spoj savremenog i retro zvuka. Moderni bitovi i gitare iz šezdesetih, uz bogat muzički jezik kojim najčešće govore o svakodnevnim temama. U svoj elektronski gruv ubacuju elemente novog talasa, bluza i Tintinabulija.
Ovaj projekat će premijerno predstaviti na Kontaktu.
Bohemija je petočlani sastav iz Niša. Počeo je kao tihi projekat članova raznih bendova, sjedinjeni i predvođeni vizijom Janka Džambasa o nekoj „progresivnoj pop muzici“. Bend se sastajao bez planiranja ikakvih svirki, probi. Pesme su nastajale iz čiste ljubavi prema muzici i iz dosade, naravno. „Nasledili smo ovaj siv svet, na nama je da ga krečimo“. Ponekad humor i zamajavanje ima smisla, kada je svrha istog prosvetljenje. Kroz šalu se može stići do najvećih dubina. Vođen tom stoičkom filozofijom, i rogovima na glavi, uhvatio je ratnike i ratnicu Dinu Abu Mayyaleh (perkusije) Milana Migija Stoiljkovića (bubnjevi), Mihajla Ivanovića(bas) i Pavla Dinića (klavir), da mu pomognu u ratu prosvetljenja.The last day of the Contact Conference at Elektropionir is reserved for VIS Limunada, with the support of Ljubičica & Co. from Pancevo and Bohemia from Nis!
The entrance to Ljubicica and Bohemia is free,
The price of the ticket at the entrance for VIS Limunada – 400 din
It starts at 20 o’clock so try to get in time!
VIS Limunada fosters contemporary music inspired by the durable values of the popular culture of the 1950s and 1960s, with a special emphasis on the specificity of the Yugoslav culture of that period. The backbone of the musical and stylistic concept of the VIS Limunada is an urban cosmopolitan youth culture, expressed in music by popcorn, rock’n’roll, beat and soul, immortalized by films such as La Dolce Vita (Italy, 1960) and Love and Fashion Yugoslavia, 1961).
VIS Limunada performs copyrighted works, copyrights as well as domestic and foreign tracks in Serbo-Croatian, English, Italian, Spanish, French and German. Using carefully selected, authentic musical instruments, as well as elegant costumes VIS Limunada combines the elegance of the Riviera and the Festival with an exciting rhythm of metropolises and youth entertainment.
Inspired by the trends of global technological, social and cultural progress, created during the period of the world revival of the sixth and seventh decades of the twentieth century, as well as its recurrences in the Yugoslav territory, VIS Limunada, without nostalgia but with great grief, strives to inspire modern audiences to positive, constructive attitude to today’s challenges.
Violet is an indie electropop duo from Pancevo. Authors and producers, Stevanovic / Stevanovic, for almost a decade represent an indispensable part of the regional alternative music scene. In close collaboration with a dozen top musicians, all over Europe, they perform a variety of concert experiments, from electro-stage spectacles to intimate acoustic performances.
The scenic debut of their music won the first prize in the competition of bands Tvoj Zvuk, and the following year they were announced as the most promising young band by Popboks magazine. Since then, they have released three albums, two EPs and four singles, with numerous collaborations with musicians around the world, and performed at almost all major festivals in the region.
In their new project, an unusual combination of modern and retro sound is built. Modern bits and guitars from the sixties, with a rich musical language that most often speak about everyday topics. The elements of the new wave, blouse and Tintinabuli are inserted into their electronic group.
This project will be premiered at Contact.
Bohemia is a five-member team from Nis. It started as a silent project of members of various bands, united and led by Jan Jacobs’s vision of some „progressive pop music“. The band met without planning any gigs, rehearsals. The songs came from pure love for music and from boredom, of course. „We inherited this gray world, it is up to us to slip it.“ Sometimes humor and fading makes sense, when the purpose is the same enlightenment. Through the joke you can reach the greatest depths. Guided by that stoic philosophy, and horns on his head, he captured warriors and warrior Dinu Abu Mayyaleh (percussion) of Milan Migi Stoiljkovic (drums), Mihailo Ivanovic (bass) and Pavel Dinic (piano), to help him in the war of enlightenment.