Pet godina Vizelja!
Poludecenijsku godišnjicu obeležiće LIVE promocijom EP-ja ,,Superspektakl“
27. januar u 21h
Ulaz: 300 dinara
,,Slavimo nova dostignuća! Ulazimo u novu godinu kao carevi – sa novim pesmama i EP-jem na putu, pa to obeležavamo velikom beogradskom promocijom! Nabrijaniji nego ikad!“ kažu Vizelji pred dupli party, koji pripremaju za 27. januar!Five years of Visiting!
The semi-anniversary anniversary will be celebrated by #LIVE by promoting the EP Superspektakl
January 27th at 21h
Entry: 300 dinars
„Let’s celebrate new achievements! We are entering the new year as emperors – new songs and EP are on their way, so we celebrate it with a great Belgrade promotion! More unpredictable than ever! „Say the Waiters to the Double Party, preparing for January 27th!
Vizelj / 5. rodjendan / promocija ,,Superspektakla 27.01.2018. Elektropionir

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