Da vam poslednji dani stare 2017.godine proteknu u dobroj i zabavnoj atmosferi, da opušteni i veseli dočekate novu 2018.godinu svratite na Novosadski Zimski festival iliti „Novosadski Winter Fest„ koji će biti održan od 23. novembra do 30. decembra 2017. godine na centralnom gradskom trgu u Novom Sadu, saopšteno je i pres službe Grada
I ove godine će u centru grada biti fijakerista i fijaker koji će pešačkom zonom voziti sve one koji to budu želeli, organizovaće se izložbe fotografija novosadskih fotografa i fotoreportera, a desetak dana pred Novu godinu posetiće nas i Deda mraza koji će se družiti sa našim najmlađim sugrađanima. Gastronomska ponuda ove godine biće bogatija, sa većim izborom hrane i pića.
Od muzičkog programa svakog vikenda nastupaće razni novosadski bendovi i DJ – evi.
Možete pogledati program ovde
Svako veče u 18h horovi za decu i odrasle pevaju božićne i novogodišnje pesmice.
Možete pogledati program ovde
Pogledajte delić atmosfere sa prošlogodišnjeg Novosadskog Winter festa i potrudite se da ne propustite dobru zabavu za celu porodicu!
For the last days of the year 2017 to pass in a good and fun atmosphere, to relax and happily welcome the new 2018 year, head to the Novi Sad Winter Festival that will be held from November 23 to December 30, 2017 in the central city square in Novi Sad.
This year, in the center of the city, there will be a fiacre all those who want can ride it, will organize exhibitions of photographs of Novi Sad photographers and photo reporters, and ten days before New Year will visit us the Santa Claus who will be hanging out with our youngest fellow citizens. Gastronomic offer this year will be richer, with a greater choice of food and beverages.
Various Novi Sad bands and DJs will perform from the music program every weekend.
You can see the programe here
Every night at 6pm, choirs for children and adults will sing Christmas and New Year’s songs.
You can see the programe here
Take a look hove was the atmosphere last year’s from Novi Sad Winter Fest and make sure you do not miss a good party for the whole family!