Takmičenje X Novogodišnji Kup će se održati u Muzeju Vazduhoplovstva na aerodromu Nikola Tesla u periodu 16-17.12.2017 sa sledećom satnicom:
– 09-13h Prijava maketa
– 13-16h Izložba
– 16h Suđenje
– 09-13h Izložba
– 13-14h Izdavanje maketa
– 14-16h Dodela priznanja
Kao i do sada poseban deo će biti obezbeđen za Vaše makete u radu i makete koje želite da prikažete u izložbenom delu.
Muzej Vazduhoplovstva se nalazi na aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd, 1,5 km udaljen od autoputa Beograd – Šid.Do Muzeja Vazduhoplovstva može se doći i lokalnim putem Beograd – Surčin odakle se, u dužini od 3,5 kilometara odvaja putni pravac za aerodrom. Ovom saobraćajnicom saobraća autobus GSP na liniji 72 sa polaznom stanicom „Zeleni Venac“ i sa zadnjom stanicom kod pristanišne zgrade aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd.
Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih pitanja za nas kontaktirajte nas na info@oluj.org
Prijave za maketarsku berzu prikupljaju se do 04.12.2017. na info@oluj.org
Opšte informacije:
– Poseta takmičenju i postavci muzeja ove godine je besplatna za sve posetioce
– Restoran radi
– Parking oko Muzeja je besplatan, ali ograničenog kapaciteta. Preporučujemo upotrebu obližnje garaže Parking servisa (65 din po satu)
– Prijava takmičarskih maketa iznosi 500 RSD po takmičaru, odnosno 300 RSD za elektronsku prijavu. Juniori i kadeti ne plaćaju registraciju
– Svaki takmičar se može u jednoj kategoriji takmičiti sa više maketa, a rangiraće mu se najbolje plasirana maketa
Juniori – do 14 godina
J1 Jet 1/144, 1/72 , 1/48 , 1/32
J2 Prop 1/144, 1/72 , 1/48 , 1/32
J3 Točkaši 1/72 , 1/35, 1/48
J4 Guseničari 1/72 , 1/35, 1/48
J5 Ostalo
Kadeti – 14 do 18 godina
K1 Jet 1/144, 1/72 , 1/48 , 1/32
K2 Prop 1/144, 1/72 , 1/48 , 1/32
K3 Točkaši 1/72 , 1/35, 1/48
K4 Guseničari 1/72 , 1/35, 1/48
K5 Ostalo
Seniori – stariji od 18
S1 Avioni vojni sve 1/144 i manje – Manje od 1/72
S2 Avioni jet 1/72
S3 Avioni prop 1/72
S4 Avioni jet 1/48
S5 Avioni prop 1/48
S6 Avioni sve 1/32 i veće – Veće od 1/48
S7 Helio sve razmere
S8 Vozila Točkaši 1/72
S9 Vozila Guseničari 1/72
S10 Vozila Točkaši 1/35 i veće
S11 Vozila Guseničari 1/35 i veće
S12 Vignete sve razmere
S13 Diorame 1/72
S14 Diorame 1/48 i veće
S15 Figure sve razmere
S16 Civilna Vozila sve razmere
S17 Sci-Fi sve razmere
S18 Plastični Brodovi i plovila sve razmere
S19 Razno sve razmere
S20 Samogradnja sve razmere
S21 Putnički avioni 1/100 i manje
S22 Vazduhoplovne diorame i vinjete sve razmere
S23 Vozila točkaši i guseničari 1/48
Specijalne kategorije: Vazduhoplovi Srbije
Letelice sa oznakama:
– Kraljevine Srbije;
– Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca;
– Kraljevine Jugoslavije;
– Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije;
– Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije;
– Savezne Republike Jugoslavije;
– Srbije i Crne Gore i
– Republike Srbije.Competition X New Year Cup will be held at the Aeronautical Museum at the airport Nikola Tesla in the period 16-17.12.2017 with the following timetable:
– 09-13h Log-in
– 13-16h Exhibition
– 16h Trial
– 09-13h Exhibition
– 13-14h Issue of a model
– 14-16h Awarding of recognition
As before, a special part will be provided for your designs and the models you want to display in the exhibition.
The Museum of Aircraft is located at Nikola Tesla Airport in Belgrade, 1.5 km away from the Belgrade – Sid highway. The Museum of the Air Force can also be reached by local Belgrade – Surčin, where, in the distance of 3.5 km, it separates the route for the airport This route is transported by the GSP bus on line 72 with the starting station „Zeleni Venac“ and the last station at the airport „Nikola Tesla“ airport in Belgrade.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@oluj.org
Applications for the maker’s stock market are collected until 04.12.2017. at info@oluj.org
General information:
– A visit to the competition and setting up a museum this year is free for all visitors
– The restaurant works
– Parking around the Museum is free, but limited capacity. We recommend the use of a nearby garage Parking Service (65 din. Per hour)
– Registration of competitive models is 500 RSD per competitor, and 300 RSD for electronic registration. Juniors and cadets do not pay registration
– Each competitor can compete in one category with multiple models, and the best placed model will be ranked
Juniors – up to 14 years
J1 Jet 1/144, 1/72, 1/48, 1/32
J2 Prop 1/144, 1/72, 1/48, 1/32
J3 Wheels 1/72, 1/35, 1/48
J4 Track loaders 1/72, 1/35, 1/48
J5 Other
Cadets – 14 to 18 years old
K1 Jet 1/144, 1/72, 1/48, 1/32
K2 Prop 1/144, 1/72, 1/48, 1/32
K3 Wheels 1/72, 1/35, 1/48
K4 Tracked 1/72, 1/35, 1/48
K5 Others
Seniors – older than 18
S1 Military aircraft all 1/144 and less – Less than 1/72
S2 Aircraft jet 1/72
S3 Aircraft Prop 1/72
S4 Aircraft jet 1/48
S5 Avion prop 1/48
S6 Airplanes all 1/32 and higher – larger than 1/48
S7 Helio all the situation
S8 Vehicles Wheels 1/72
S9 Vehicles Crawler Trucks 1/72
S10 Vehicles Wheels 1/35 and larger
S11 Vehicles Crawlers 1/35 and larger
S12 Capture all the situations
S13 Diorame 1/72
S14 Diorame 1/48 and larger
S15 Figure all the situation
S16 Civilian Vehicles all the circumstances
S17 Sci-Fi all sizes
S18 Plastic Ships and vessels all sizes
S19 Miscellaneous all the conditions
S20 Self-construction all the conditions
S21 Passenger airplanes 1/100 and less
S22 Airborne diamonds and screw up all the situations
S23 Vehicle wheels and crawler 1/48
Special categories: Aircrafts of Serbia
Flags with tags:
– Kingdom of Serbia;
– Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes;
– the Kingdom of Yugoslavia;
– the Federal nationalRepublic of Yugoslavia;
– Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;
– Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;
– Serbia and Montenegro and
– Republic of Serbia.