Želјko Bebek, jedan od najpopularnijih i najdugovečnijih pevača na ovim prostorima sa preko 40 godina uspešne karijere i vojskom poštovalaca svih generacija, održaće 21.aprila, koncert u Sava Centru, u okviru svoje regionalne turneje “Ono nešto naše”.
Bebek će na koncertu predstaviti ne samo pesme sa aktuelnog albuma “Ono nešto naše”, već će to biti i presek dugogodišnjeg respektabilnog opusa. Naravno da će se tu naći i hitovi Bijelog dugmeta sa kojim je snimio osam studijskih albuma. Uz prošireni bend, svojom energijom i prodornim unikatnim glasom ovaj koncertni velemajstor, nikoga neće ostaviti ravnodušnim.
Ulaznice se prodaju na blagajni Sava Centra, u mreži Eventima, i Dallas Music shopu, Sremska 2 (u prizemlјu „Vulkana“).
Od 27.12. 2017. Godine, ulaznice će moći da se nabave po pretprodajnoj ceni u ograničenim količinama!
Ticket prices: 1600, 2100 and 2300 dinars, VIP: 2600 dinars
Željko Bebek, one of the most popular and longest-performing singers in this region, with over 40 years of successful career and an army of respecters of all generations, will hold a concert on April 21, a concert at the Sava Center, within his regional tour „Ono nešto naše“.
Bebek will present at the concert not only the songs from the current album „It is something of ours“, but will also be a cross-section of long-standing respectable opus. Of course, there will also be hits of the White button with which he recorded eight studio albums. With the expanded band, with its energy and penetrating unique voice, this concert grandmaster will leave no one indifferent.
Tickets are sold at the Sava Center cashier, in the Eventima network, and Dallas Music shop, Sremska 2 (on the ground floor „Vulkan“).
From 27.12. In 2017, tickets will be available at pre-sale prices in limited quantities!