Zvonimir Varga 15.11.2017. Čilton

Zvonimir Varga 15.11.2017. Čilton
Katanićeva, beograd

Nakon što je objavio novi singl „Zvukovi“, zagrebački kantautor Zvonimir Varga nastupiti će u beogradskom Chilltonu u sredu 15. novembra.

Naoružan samo akustičnom gitarom, publici će predstaviti materijal iz svog širokog opusa – sviraće ogoljene verzije svojih pesama, baš na način kako su i, u njegovoj sobi, i nastale.

Zvonimir Varga je na sceni od 2010. godine iza sebe ima osam nezavisnih albuma, osam singlova, knjigu poezije, slikovnicu, te više od 100 nastupa u regiji.

Poslednji put u Srbiji je svirao pre godinu dana, a Potlista taj je koncert nazvala svojevrsnim čudom: “Lepo reče Willie Nelson ‘čuda se događaju na najčudnijim mestima’ – tako se i Zvonimiru Vargi zvezdani trenutak dosadašnje karijere dogodio u Chilton Pubu u Katanićevoj ulici u Beogradu kada je to najmanje očekivao. Sam nastup je bio jedan od onih kada sve štima – od zvuka koji je bio besprekoran, pažnje i učešća slušalaca, preko svirke, repertoara, komunikacije sa publikom do raspoloženja i atmosfere prijatnosti i ljubavi.”

S druge strane, novi singl “Zvukovi” u kratkom roku ocenjen je kao lepa, smirujuća, topla i prirodna pesma koja odiše mirnom i jedinstvenom posebnošću – ovaj autorski rukopis tako se približava folk rock klasicima poput „Fisherman’s Blues“ The Waterboysa, ključnim radovima Fairport Conventiona i velikom Leonardu Cohenu.

Uskoro ćete i lično moći da poslušate Zvonimira Vargu i njegove zvukove, glas i gitaru.

Koncert počinje u 21 čas, a upad je 200 dinara. After publishing a new single „Zvukovi“, Zagreb co-director Zvonimir Varga will perform in Belgrade’s Chillton on Wednesday, November 15th.

Armed with only an acoustic guitar, the audience will present the material from their wide opus – they will play bumped versions of their songs, just as they were, and in his room, they were created.

Zvonimir Varga has included eight independent albums, eight singles, a poetry book, a picture book, and more than 100 appearances in the region since 2010.

The last time in Serbia was played a year ago, and Potlista called this concert a kind of miracle: „Nice Willie Nelson“ wonders happening in the strangest places „- so Zvonimir Varga starred the moment of his career in Chilton Pub in Kataniceva Street in Belgrade when he least expected it. The performance itself was one of those when everything was trembling – from the sound that was flawless, the attention and participation of listeners, through the gig, repertoire, communication with the audience to the mood and the atmosphere of affection and love. “

On the other hand, the new single „Sounds“ in the short term is rated as a beautiful, calming, warm and natural song that reflects a calm and unique specialty – this authorial manuscript is so approaching folk rockers like „Fisherman’s Blues“ The Waterboys, key works by Fairport Convention and the great Leonardo Cohen.

You will soon be able to personally listen to Zvonimir Varga and his sounds, voices and guitar.

The concert starts at 21:00, and the price drops to 200 dinars.


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