|| Prijatelji, braćo, kumovi,
Nakon opšte narodnog veselja i više od 2000 nasmejanih lica na decembarskom ludom zimskom plesu u Hangaru i kao vid zahvalnosti, odlučili smo da vam pomognemo sa odgovorom na pitanje „Kuda za Srpsku?“. Odgovor je na Beogradski Sajam u Halu 5 na najveći 2000Late doček pravoslavne, tzv Srpske Nove Godine!
Ako ste početkom milenijuma imali 7 do 27 godina, ako ste slušali ZABAVNJAKE i STRANO (a ne narodnjake), ako i dalje s vremena na vreme osećate nostalgiju prema tim neprevaziđenim hitovima zabavne muzike (uprkos, ili baš zahvaljujući njihovom kvalitetu), dođite da RINTAMO celu noć jer šta je život par koraka, malo tuge i meraka (šta će tebi više od toga)!
Za vas vrte vaši omiljeni диск џокеји Eva i Matija, dinamični duo vrsnih znalaca ove muzičke ere koji će vam još jednom dokazati svoju posvećenost i kompetenciju, puštajući sve one strane i zabavne domaće hitove iz prve dekade 2000-ih koji su nam obeležili ranu mladost i detinjstvo.
Ulaznice možete kupiti od 25.12. na svim Eventim Serbia i GIGS TIX prodajnim mestima ili online, a cena karte u pretprodaji iznosi 500 RSD. Apelujemo da obezbedite svoju ulaznicu na vreme da ne biste ostali bez iste na sam dan događaja.
Spremite se za spektakularni doček uz omiljene vam hitove i nikad bolji ulazak u Novu pravoslavnu 2018. godinu! ♥ ( i tri prsta) |||| Friends, brothers, coups,
After the general folk joy and more than 2,000 smiling faces at the December crazy winter dance in Hangar and as a kind of gratitude, we decided to help you with the answer to the question „Where to go for the Serbian New Year?“. The answer is at the Belgrade Fair in Hall 5 at the highest 2000Late welcome of the Orthodox, the so-called Serbian New Year!
If you were 7 to 27 years old at the beginning of the millennium, if you listened to FUNNY and STRANA (and not folk), if you still feel nostalgia from time to time against these unstoppable hits of fun music (despite or just because of their quality), come to RINTAMO All night, because life is a couple of steps, a little sadness and meraka (what will be more of you)!
For you, turn your favorite disc jockeys Eva and Matija, a dynamic duo of the best known musicians of this music era, who will once again demonstrate their commitment and competence by letting all those parties and entertaining domestic hits from the first decade of the 2000s mark our early youth and childhood.
You can buy tickets from 25.12. at all Eventim Serbia and GIGS TIX points of sale or online, and the pre-sale price is 500 RSD. We urge you to secure your ticket in time so that you do not stay without it on the very day of the event.
Get ready for a spectacular welcome with your favorite hits and never enter the New Orthodox New Year 2018! ♥ (and three fingers) ||