Po enem letu počitka bomo 15. decembra spet malo pretresli Rog in pomasirali bobniče ter notranje organe s pomočjo Warrior Charge Soundsystema in prijateljev za mešalko.
Herbal Queen
Herbal Queen prihaja iz Novega Sada s svojo selekcijo roots in digitalnih dub komadov, preverjenih po večih dub festivalih in sound sistemih v naši okolici. Njen izbor je poznan po globokih basih prepletajočih se z vokali narodov vsega sveta.
The W!ld Citizen
Ljubitelj težkih bass linij različnih ritmov in aktivni član večih projektov za promocijo bass glasbe in sound system kulture, pride po svoji besedah v Dub Factory pripeljat nove plate na sprehod. Pričakujemo široko selekcijo najnovejših izdanj iz sveta dub glasbe, ki bodo kvalitetno ogrela naše bobniče in notranje organe.
Warrior Charge
Stari festivalski mački iz Udin, ki ste jih imeli priložnost poslušati na večini, če ne kar vseh reggae in dub festivalih v bližnji in daljni okolici, ter po mnogih partijih v mestih po vseh sosednjih državah, po nekem čudnem spletu okoliščin še nikoli niso nastopali v Ljubljani. Sodeč po izkušnjah z dosedanjih nastopov se napoveduje dolga noč močnih vibracij z revolucionarnimi sporočili, ki nas bodo tresle krepko v jutro.
Vstopnina: 5€After a year of rest, on the 15th of December we will again shake Rog with the help of Warrior Charge Soundsystem and friends for the mixer.
Herbal Queen comes from Novi Sad with its selection of roots and digital dub pieces, checked by several dub festivals and sound systems in our area. Her choice is known for deep bass mixing with the vocals of the nations of the world.
The W! Ld Citizen
The fan of heavy bass lines of various rhythms and an active member of several projects for the promotion of bass music and sound system culture, according to his words, Dub Factory will bring new wages for a walk. We are expecting a wide selection of the latest releases from the world of dub music, which will heat up our drums and internal organs.
Warrior Charge
The old festival cat from Udin, which you had the opportunity to listen to on most, if not all of the reggae and dub festivals in the near and distant surroundings, and in many parties in cities across all neighboring countries, after some strange cluster of circumstances have never appeared before Ljubljana. Judging by the experience from previous appearances, a long night of strong vibrations is predicted with revolutionary messages that will shake us boldly in the morning.
Entrance fee: 5 €