U okviru Dana Izraela u Šapcu, u četvrtak, 23. novembra 2017. godine, u 18 časova u holu Biblioteke šabačke, svečano će biti otvorena izložba fotografija Obnova i očuvanje: Bauhaus i zgrade međunarodnog stila u Tel Avivu. Izložbu će otvoriti Jelena Podgorac Jovanović, direktorka Biblioteke šabačke i ambasadorka Izraela u Srbiji Alona Fišer-Kam.
U Galeriji Biblioteke šabačke biće izloženo 26 fotografija koje će predstaviti očuvanje i obnovu bauhaus arhitekture u Izraelu ali će ovom izložbom biti prikazane i zgrade međunarodnog stila u Tel Avivu. Izložbu je priredio Miha Gros, dok je za dizajn zaslužan Zaron Levi.
Tel Aviv je poznat i kao Beli grad, jer je prestonica bauhaus arhitekture. Ovaj moderan, mediteranski grad čuva više od 4.000 građevina u ovom svedenom stilu, jasnih linija, koje su tridesetih godina 20. veka izgradile nemačke arhitekte jevrejskog porekla. Ovih belih bauhaus bisera arhitekture je u Tel Avivu više nego u svim gradovima sveta zajedno, i veliki broj njih je 2003. godine uvršten na Uneskovu listu svetske kulturne baštine. Bauhaus centar iz Tel Aviva nam u okviru svoje putujuće izložbe predstavlja neke od najreprezentativnijih građevina, tog neodoljivog, minimalističkog stila.In the framework of the Day of Israel in Sabac, on Thursday, November 23, 2017, at 18:00 hrs in the Library Šabac, an exhibition of photographs Reconstruction and Preservation: Bauhaus and the International Style Building in Tel Aviv will be officially opened. The exhibition will be opened by Jelena Podgorac Jovanovic, director of the Sabac Library and Ambassador of Israel in Serbia, Alon Fischer-Kam.
26 photographs will be displayed at the Šabačka Library Gallery, which will present the preservation and restoration of bauhaus architecture in Israel, but this exhibition will also show the international style buildings in Tel Aviv. The exhibition was prepared by Miha Gros, while Zaron Levi was credited with design.
Tel Aviv is also known as the White City, because it is the capital of the bauhaus architecture. This modern, Mediterranean city preserves more than 4,000 buildings in this undisturbed style, clear lines, built by German architects of Jewish origin in the 1930s. These white bauhaus pearls of architecture are in Tel Aviv more than in all the cities of the world together, and a large number of them were included in UNESCO’s list of world cultural heritage in 2003. The Bauhaus Center from Tel Aviv, as part of its traveling exhibition, presents us some of the most representative buildings, this irresistible, minimalist style.