Torte i Kolači – presni veganski 10.12. UnitySpace
::POPUNJEN je termin za subotu 09.12-
:::NOVI::: termin je nedelja 10.12 – pa izvolite, slobodno nastavite da se prijavljujete
I šta je još moguće???
Dragi prijatelji,
U susret praznicima – pripremite se na vreme da pravite ukusne, slasne i zdrave poslastice – sirove i veganske.
Na repertoaru su torte, kolači, slavsko žito (bez glutena), rolati, čokolada, šejkovi, topla čokolada, mleka od orašida… i gde nas još inspiracija i mašta odvede. Sve zdravo i bez šećera, margarina i brašna – samo integralne i celovite namirnice voća i orašida.
Priprema poslastica je jednostavna i brza, a rezultati vrhunski. Ovo su slatkiši koji se prave i konzumiraju bez griže savesti – zdravi, a ipak ukusom i izgledom zadovoljavaju sva čula.
Materijal za izradu ovakvih slatkiša – najkvalitenije namirnice koje možete da zamislite i nađete na tržištu – voće suvo i sveže, urme, orasi, lešnici, bademi, javor sirup, kakao buter, kokos ulje, divni i mirisni začini – vanila, cimet, muskatni oraščić, rogač…. – samo prirodno i zdravo.
Ukusom i izgledom ove poslastice plene sva čula, a što je još važnije – lagani su za varenje. Čist hedonizam – uživajte u procesu od pripreme, preko konzumacije do zdrave probave.
Radionicom obuhvatamo gurmanske slatkiše kao i niskomasne slatkiše.
Način obrade – presno i sirovo – znači da nema termičke obrade – samo mutimo, miksamo, seckamo.
Vegansko znači da su zastupljene namirnice isključivo biljnog porekla – integralne i celovite.
Na reperotoaru su: torte, sitni kolači, bajadere, slavsko žito, rolat, puding, biljna mleka, topla čokolada, prava čokolada… Pišite nam i zatražite šta želite da naučite da pravite, pa ćemo i to da uvrstimo. I šta je još moguće da se kreira na ovoj radionici – čarobnici?
Najvažnije ističemo – naučićete principe pripreme presnih kolača, kako da i sami kreirate nove kolače i recepte, kako da prilagodite recepte koje nalazite u knjigama i na internetu. Ova obuka će vam omogućiti da samostalno pravite kolače i torte, ne samo za sebe, već da obradujete i prijatelje, a moguće i klijente 😊
Šta je zaista moguće da vam ova obuka donese novo, slatko i radosno u život?
Zbog načina rada, u kome učesnici aktivno učestvuju, broj mesta za prisustvo je ograničen na 8+3 polaznika.
Prvo troje koje se prijave i rezervišu svoje mesto dobijaju na poklon knjigu Presna hrana za početnike, autora i voditelja radionice Margareta Vesna. Ako knjigu već imate, sleduje vam originalna, ručno rađena vrećica za ceđenje mleka! I kako može još bolje???
Svi učesnici radionice dobijaju priručnik – skriptu sa receptima i savetima za pripremu poslastica.
Sve što pravimo naravno degustiramo, a višak – nosite kući 😊
Učešće za radionicu je 6000 dinara ili 50 eura.
Rezervacija mesta se vrši uplatom avansa u iznosu od 2000 dinara.
Novac za rezervaciju mesta možete da uplatite na račun
Margareta Radomirović, 115-0381637261099-84, Beograd (telenor banka)
Sve informacije i pitanja u vezi radionice slobodno uputite na mejl,
• Datum održavanja i trajanje:
Nedelja, 10. decembar, 2017 od 10h do 16h
• Mesto održavanja radionice:
Unity Space, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 95/6/17
Sa radošću i lakoćom vas očekujemo. Savet: ponesite beležnicu, olovku, kecelju ako je volite i imate i sobne papuče.
Radionicu vodi Margareta Vesna – ekspert u oblasti pripreme presne, veganske hrane, a naročito za poslastice i slatkiše.
„Moja strast za slatkišima je bila čini mi se oduvek u mom životu. Želela sam da jedem samo slatikše i voće, sada shvatam i zašto. Prirodna je potreba za slatkim, ali da to bude iz celovitih i prirodnih izvora – tada to hrani i neguje naše telo i zdravlje. Prve čupavce sam napravila sa 11 godina, i tako dočekala mamu sa posla – bili su to najukusniji kolači. Uvek sam eksperimentisala sa hranom, naročito kolačima, i napravila bih sebi poslasticu za čas posla i u tren oka. Pudinzi su mi bili k’o dobar dan za doručak ili večeru. Specijalno sam pravila i izmišljala čokoladne filove i kremove… govorili su da bih guzu prodala za slatko…, pa skoro da je istina.
Danas sam usavršila način pripreme slatkiša i kolača u toj meri da to bude i brzo i ukusno i zdravo – sve što današnji tempo života nalaže.
Želim to znanje i višedecenijsko iskustvo da podelim sa nekolicinom vas. Da bismo se stvarno posvetili svakom učesniku – broj mesta je ograničen – zato požurite sa prijavom. Ovo je kraljevska radionica – za sve nas kraljeve i kraljiice koji znamo i volimo i uživamo u svakom slatkom zalogaju. Setite se, cela gozba je u prvom zalogaju – neka bude savrešen, na ovoj radionici to je MOGUĆE. Dobrodošli“
Više o Margareti i njenom radu potražite na
Hvala na poverenju.Cakes and Cakes – fresh vegan 10.12. UnitySpace
FILLED is the term for Saturday 09.12-
::: NOVI ::: term is Sunday 10.12 – so please, please continue to apply
And what else is possible ???
Dear friends,
Meet holidays – prepare yourself on time to make delicious, delicious and healthy treats – raw and vegan.
On the repertoire are cakes, cakes, cereal grains (gluten-free), rolls, chocolate, shakes, hot chocolate, nuts, and where still inspire and imagine us. All healthy and without sugar, margarine and flour – only integral and complete foods of fruits and nuts.
The preparation of treats is simple and quick, and the results are top-notch. These are candies that are made and consumed without the care of conscience – healthy, yet all the senses are satisfied with the taste and appearance.
The material for making such candy – the best quality foods that you can imagine and find on the market – fruits dry and fresh, urms, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, maple syrup, cocoa butter, coconut oil, delicious and aromatic spices – vanilla, cinnamon, , carob … – just natural and healthy.
The taste and appearance of this delicacy of prey has all been heard, and more importantly – they are easy to digest. Pure hedonism – enjoy the process from preparation, through consumption to healthy digestion.
The workshop includes gourmet sweets and low-fat sweets.
Processing – fresh and raw – means that there is no thermal processing – just mutimo, mix, chop.
Vegan means that the foodstuffs are exclusively plant products – integral and complete.
On the repertoire are: cakes, small cakes, bayaders, cereal grains, rolls, pudding, herbal milk, hot chocolate, real chocolate … Write to us and ask what you want to learn to do, so we will include it. And what else is it possible to create at this workshop – the wizards?
Most importantly, we will say – you will learn the principles of preparing pastry cakes, how to create new cakes and recipes yourself, how to customize the recipes you find in books and on the Internet. This training will allow you to make cakes and cakes on your own, not only for yourself, but also to treat friends, and possibly clients
What is really possible for this training to bring you new, sweet and joyful lives?
Due to the way in which the participants actively participate, the number of places for attendance is limited to 8 + 3 participants.
The first three to apply and reserve their place are given to the present book of Presna food for beginners, author and workshop leader Margaret Vesna. If you already have a book, you will receive an original, hand-made milk-bag bag! And how can it even better ???
All participants in the workshop receive a handbook – a script with recipes and tips for preparing delicacies.
Everything we do naturally tastes, and surplus – carry home
Participation for the workshop is 6000 dinars or 50 euros.
Booking of the place is done by paying the advance of 2000 dinars.
You can pay the money to reserve your account
Margareta Radomirović, 115-0381637261099-84, Belgrade (telenor bank)
For any information and questions about the workshop please feel free to email, or by phone at 063-726-1099
• Maintenance date and duration:
Sunday, December 10, 2017 from 10 am to 4 pm
• Venue of the workshop:
Unity Space, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 95/6/17
We are expecting you with joy and ease. Tip: Take a notebook, pencil, apron if you like it and you have a slipper.
The workshop is led by Margareta Vesna, an expert in the preparation of fresh, vegan food, and especially for sweets and sweets.
„My passion for sweets was what I’ve always been like in my life. I wanted to eat only sweets and fruits, now I understand why. It is a natural need for sweet, but it is from a full and natural source – then it nourishes and nourishes our body and health. I made the first rhubarb at the age of 11, and so I met my mom from work – they were the most delicious cakes. I have always experimented with food, especially cakes, and I would make myself a treat for the time of work and in a moment’s eye. Puddings were like a good day for breakfast or dinner. I was special about rules and inventing chocolate fillets and creams … they said that I would sell my ass for sweet … so it’s almost true.
Today I have perfected the way of preparing sweets and cakes to the extent that it is both quick and tasty and healthy – all that today’s pace of life requires.
I want to share this knowledge with decades of experience with a few of you. In order to truly devote to each participant – the number of places is limited – so hurry to sign up. This is a royal workshop – for all of us kings and kings who know and love and enjoy each sweet bite. Remember, the whole feast is in the first bite – let it be perfect, at this workshop this is POSSIBLE. Welcome“
For more information about Margaret and her work, visit
Thank you for your trust.