Tomas Ligoti je jedan od najboljih živih pisaca horora. Ligoti bi se mogao opisati kao Kafka provučen kroz Tima Bartona u spoju sa Lavkraftom kroz filter Bruna Šulca. Iliti, naglašeno srednjoevropski senzibilitet smešten u grotesknu verziju Amerike – kao Kafkina Amerika, ali sa više klaustrofobije, beznađa i košmarne ikonografije…
Ovaj slikar najcrnjeg mraka prožet je nihilizmom čija su tri osnovna principa: 1) besmislenost – ili možda zlonamernost – principa realnosti iza materijalnog univerzuma; 2) stalna nestabilnost ovog univerzuma čvrstih formi, oblika i koncepata koji preti da kolabira ili mutira u nešto monstruozno i nepredvidivo; i 3) košmarnost svesne personalne egzistencije u takvom svetu.
Ponori neviđenog, lavirintski kosmosi u sopstvenim kapima krvi… Cvetovi ponora… Muzička kutija čija muzika otkriva bezumlje stvari… Najčistija esencija životne zlobe…. Pandemonizam… Arlekinske gozbe… Senke sa dna sveta… Noćne lekcije iz merenja kloakalnih sila… Vreme kao protok otpadnih voda… Izmet kosmosa, skatologija stvaranja… Ništavljenje sopstva… Kaljuge tmine…
Zamislite da je sve na svetu samo maska za najodvratnije zlo, čisto zlo čije je stvarno postojanje ublaženo samo našim slepilom da ga kao takvo vidimo, zlo u samom srcu stvari…
Do skoro je na srpskom bila objavljena samo jedna njegova priča i samo jedan kratki roman. Nedavno je Orfelin napokon objavio knjigu PISAR TAME (Grimscribe) – zbirku čarobnih, unikatnih, neverovatnih, otkačenih, košmarnih priča koje će vas inficirati, smestiti vam se u svest i podsvest i proganjati vas u jesenjim i zimskim mesecima koji dolaze.
O Ligotiju i njegovoj prozi govori dr Dejan Ognjanović, urednik edicije „Poetika strave“ u Orfelinu.
Utorak 28.11.2017. u 20h u LjubimacTomas Ligoti is one of the best living horror writers. The ligoths could be described as Kafka routed through the Tim Barton in a connection with Lavracraft through the Bruno Schulz filter. Illyti, a prominent Central European sensibility placed in a grotesque version of America – like Kafka’s America, but with more claustrophobia, hopelessness and nightmare iconography …
This painter of the darkest darkness is pervaded by nihilism, whose three basic principles are: 1) senselessness – or perhaps malevolence – the principle of reality behind the material universe; 2) the constant instability of this universe of solid forms, forms and concepts that threatens to collapse or mutate into something monstrous and unpredictable; and 3) the shyness of conscious personal existence in such a world.
The snores of an uninvited, maze of cosmos in their own drops of blood … The flowers of the abyss … The music box whose music reveals the foolish things … The purest essence of life malice …. Pandemicism … Arlekin feasts … Shadows from the bottom of the world .. Night lessons from the measurement of cloacal forces … Time as the flow of wastewater … The flying out of the cosmos, the scatology of creation … The nullification of the self … The calves of darkness …
Imagine that everything in the world is just a mask for the most disturbing evil, a pure evil whose real existence is tempered only by our blindness to see it as such, evil in the very heart of things …
Until recently, only one of his stories was published in Serbian, and only one short novel. Recently, Orfelin finally published the book PISAR TAME (Grimscribe) – a collection of magical, unique, incredible, whimsical, nightmares that will infect you, place you in consciousness and subconscious and persecute you in the autumn and winter months that come.
Dr. Dejan Ognjanovic, editor of the edition „poetics of the storm“ in Orfelin, speaks of Ligoti and his prose.
Tuesday November 28, 2017. at 20:00 at Ljubimac