Višestruko nagrađivani Orkestar Harmonika „Aleksa Šantić“ iz Uglјevika održaće svoj prvi veliki solistički koncert u Beogradu i Srbiji.
Ovaj izuzetan i jedinstveni orkestar postao je poznat javnosti učešćem u emisiji „Ja imam talenat“ gde su se plasirali u finale takmičenja i svojim spektakularnim nastupima osvojili naklonost eminentnog žirija i kompletne javnosti koja je pratila ovo takmičenje.
Orkestar harmonika „Aleksa Šantić“ postoji već 17 godina, osnovan je 1997. godine.
Orkestar broji 36 članova, a većina njih su učenici OŠ „Aleksa Šantić“ iz Uglјevika, dok su šest članova bivši učenici škole. Orkestar izvodi srpsku narodnu muziku, muziku drugih naroda kao i popularnu muziku u jedinstvenim aranžmanima za harmonike.
Orkestar u interpretacije unosi ogrmnu energiju i puno emocija, što su prepoznali i kompetentni lјudi iz sveta muzike (Emir Kusturica, Radmila Smilјanić, Ljubiša Pavković, Branimir Đokić, Ljubo Kešelј…kao i eminentni profesori filharmonija iz Rusije, Italije, Austrije, Indije…).
Orkestar je do sada imao veoma zapažene koncerte u Kanadi (Vankuver i Viktorija), Austriji, Švajcarskoj, Francuskoj, Češkoj, Nemačkoj, Rusiji, Omanu (Rojal Opera House Muscat), Republici Srpskoj, Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Makedoniji i Sloveniji.
Orkestar harmonika je do sada osvojio mnogobrojne nagrade i priznanja, a neka od najznačajnijih su:
– Prvaci Republike Srpske – 8 puta
– Pobednici Kulturne olimpijade u Sočiju 2014. godine.
– „Grand Prix“ na festivalu „Zemlјa je naš zajednički dom“ u Ekaterinburgu u Rusiji
Na koncertu u Sava Centru Orkestar harmonika će se predstaviti beogradskoj publici raznolikim i posebno pripremlјenim programom koji će čini spletovi srpskih kola, narodnih pesama, makedonskih pesama, sevdalinkama kao i obradama velikih hitova domaće i strane zabavne muzike.The multi-award-winning Harmonica Orchestra „Aleksa Santic“ from Ugljevik will hold its first major solo concert in Belgrade and Serbia.
This remarkable and unique orchestra became known to the public by participating in the show „I Have Talent“, where they were placed in the finals of the competition and with their spectacular performances won the affection of the eminent jury and the entire public who followed this competition.
Orchestra of accordion „Aleksa Santic“ has been in existence for 17 years, it was founded in 1997.
The Orchestra has 36 members, and most of them are students of Elementary School „Aleksa Santic“ from Ugljevik, while six members are former schoolchildren. The orchestra performs Serbian folk music, the music of other nations, and popular music in unique accordion arrangements.
The orchestra in interpretations brings enormous energy and a lot of emotion, as recognized by competent people from the world of music (Emir Kusturica, Radmila Smiljanic, Ljubisa Pavkovic, Branimir Djokic, Ljubo Keselj … as well as eminent professors of the Philharmonic from Russia, Italy, Austria, India …).
So far, the orchestra has had very prominent concerts in Canada (Vancouver and Victoria), Austria, Switzerland, France, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, Oman, the Republic of Srpska, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Slovenia.
So far, the Accordion Orchestra has won numerous awards and recognitions, and some of the most significant are:
– Champions of the Republic of Srpska – 8 times
– The winners of the Sochi 2014 Cultural Olympiad.
– „Grand Prix“ at the „Earth is our common home“ festival in Yekaterinburg, Russia
At the concert at the Sava Center, the Orchestra of the accordion will present to the Belgrade audience a varied and specially prepared program that will make up the waves of Serbian cars, folk songs, Macedonian songs, sevdalinka, as well as the processing of big hits of local and foreign entertaining music.