Ben Akiba Comedy Club & Bar & Ben Akiba White Lounge & Art Gallery
31. 12.2017.
Ben Akiba comedy club & bar@ ground floor
21h dj Adam Atomski
retro-pop, rock, R&B , funky… dance & party tunes
Ben Akiba white lounge & art gallery@ first floor
21h dj Oki Begovski
deep to progresive house& new tec… electro dance grooves..
Cena karte je 35 eura bez rezervacije stola.
Cena karte je 45 eura sa rezervacijom stola, na kojem vas čekaju preukusnw grickalice i apetisani dobrodošlice.
Mesta za rezervaciju:
-Barski stolovi
Neograničena konzumacija alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih pića tokom cele večeri. Piva, vina, osnovna zestoka pica , kokteli itd
Novogodišnja ponuda hrane po specijalnim cenama.
(uskoro karta pića i klope)
Posebna ponuda:
Galerija VIP exclusive
-do 30 osoba (separei, francuski krevet)
– Neograničena konzumacija alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih pića tokom cele večeri
– Novogodišnja ponuda hrane po specijalnim cenama
Cena po dogovoru.
31. decembra ben akiba 1001. put otvara svoja vrata svima vama, dragim prijateljima i gostima, putnicima namernicima i slučajnim prolaznicima. Svi ste od nas otisli puni uspomena i zato se uvek i vraćate. A mi vas radosno dočekujemo iznova. I kao u pričama iz 1001. noći, preplavićemo vas talasima uzivanja, hedonizma i dekadencije, radosti i ljubavi, erotike i egzotike. Sve obavijeno mirisnom hranom, ukusnim koktelima i muzikom za mitove i legende.
Sećate se Šeherezade, Sinbada, Aladina, letećih ćilima i kovčega sa blagom? Ponesite neki detalj da oživimo priču kako dolikuje. Ne trazimo da se maskirate, ali ko je raspoložen, više je nego dobrodošao.
Čekamo vas da zajedno proslavimo 1001. noć u Ben Akibi!
Broj mesta je ogranicen.
Rezervacije na 0603060122, 0603060134.Ben Akiba Comedy Club & Bar & Ben Akiba White Lounge & Art Gallery
31. 12.2017.
Ben Akiba comedy club & bar @ ground floor
21h dj Adam Atomski
retro-pop, rock, R & B, funky … dance & party tunes
Ben Akiba white lounge & art gallery @ first floor
21h dj Oki Begovski
deep to progressive house & new tec … electro dance grooves ..
The price of the ticket is 35 euros without booking a table.
The price of the ticket is 45 Euros with reservation of the table, where you will be waiting for a tasty snack and an appetizing welcome.
-Bar tables
Unlimited consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the evening. Beers, wines, basic beverages, cocktails, etc.
New Year’s offer of food at special prices.
(soon a drink and tick map)
Special offer:
Gallery VIP exclusive
-to 30 persons (separei, french bed)
– Unlimited consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks throughout the evening
– New Year’s food offer at special prices
Price is negotiable.
On December 31, the Ben Akiba 1001th road opens its doors to all of you, dear friends and guests, travelers to intentions and random passers-by. You have all gone from us full of memories and that’s why you always come back. And we gladly welcome you again. And as in the stories of the 1001th night, we will flood you with the waves of enjoyment, hedonism and decadence, joy and love, eroticism and exoticism. All wrapped in fragrant food, delicious cocktails and music for myths and legends.
Remember Sheeherezade, Sinbad, Aladdin, flying rugs and a treasure chest? Bring some detail to revive a story that suits us. We do not ask you to mask, but whoever is in the mood is more than welcome.
We are waiting for you to celebrate the 1001st night in Ben Akiba!
The number of places is limited.
Reservations at 0603060122, 0603060134.