Jedna od najvećih zvezda nove bluz-rok scene, bend Wille & the Bandits u sklopu evropske turneje na kojoj će promovisati novi studijski album „Steal“ (Februar 2017) održaće koncert u klubu Elektropionir u četvrtak, 19. aprila, sa početkom u 21 čas.
Ulaznice se mogu kupiti po promotivnoj ceni od 400 dinara (ograničen kontigent!) na prodajnim mestima Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX-a, DD Tickets-a, Zaokret, Šikarica i u FELIX Shop, TC Sremska (II sprat, radno vreme: 12 – 20h). Kada se rasprodaju promotivne ulaznice, regularna pretprodajna cena do dana koncerta iznosiće 500 dinara, a na sam dan za ulaznicu je potrebno izdvojiti 600 dinara.
Wille & The Bandits u osnovi je klasičan tročlani bluz rok bend, zvukom sličan Krimu (Cream) i Džimi Hendriksu (Jimi Hendrix) koji po uzoru na njih pomera granice zvuka i muzičkog pravca na jedinstven i neočekivan način.
Ovo je bend koji se svrstava u kategoriju progresivne ili svetske muzike zbog korišćenja bizarnije instrumentacije i eklektičkog stila pisanja tekstova. Do sada je bend bio na turnejama sa Deep Purple i John Balter Trio, a svirao je i na velikim festivalima širom Evrope. Wille & The Bandits je bend koji jednako ostavlja velike impresije kako na publiku svih uzrasta tako i na celokupnu muzičku scenu, a sve to zahvaljujući energičnim i srčanim nastupima.
Na njihov račun upućene su pozitivne kritike, od strane BBC Radio 1 izabranu su u top 10 must see bendova na festivalu Glastonberi (Glastonbury) 2014 godine i dostigli su drugo mesto na britanskoj bluz listi sa njihovim prvim singlom. Sada na turneji predstavljaju svoj treći nezavisno izdat studijski album. Baza fanova, repertoar zvukova, stilova i inovacija ovog benda, raste uzlaznom putanjom.
Izuzev medija, bend je hvaljen po njihovoj originalnosti i unikatnoj liniji između roka i bluza i od strane rok legendi poput Ijana Pejsa (Ian Paice), Džoa Bonamase (Joe Bonamassa) i Frensisa Rosija (Francis Rossi).
„Wille je sjajan slajd gitarista. Volim šta ovi momci rade!“ – Joe Bonamassa
„Volim soul u njihovoj muzici.“ – Bob Harris
„Retko je pronaći bend koji je toliko dinamičan poput Wille & The Bandits i koji zvuči toliko udobno, a istovremeno impresivno na oba kraja zvučnog spektra. U današnjem, modernom svetu muzike jednokratnog trajanja, osvežavajuće je čuti bend koji još uvek ceni umetnost kreiranja albuma i koji upotrebljava nove instrumente i nove ideje u pisanju tekstova u odnosu na isprobane i testirane metode. Deset sekundi na Jutjubu neće ni zagrebati površinu njihovog zvuka i poruke koju nose. Wille & The Bandits je bend koji se otkriva, a najbolji način za to je – uživo!
Ovi momci gruvaju i pevaju kao anđeli i malo je potrebno da se shvati zašto pripadaju festivalskoj atmosferi.“ – Glastonbury Festival
„Ovaj neverovatno talentovan bend odličan je u sviranju ne jednog ili dva muzička pravca, već u nekoliko pravaca i na ekstremno visokom nivou.“ – Maverick Magazine
„Da je Cream proveo više vremena na plaži u Njukveju, možda bi zvučali kao oni.“ – Blues Matters Magazine
„Vilov glas vas odmah ščepa po prvoj otpevanoj noti. Dobro je sjajan instrument, a kada se svira na ovakav način, primetite koliko je ovaj bend zaista uzvišen.“ – Maverick Magazine
„Silno, filmski psihobluz…oduzima dah“ – R2
Tickets can be purchased at a promotional price of 400 dinars (limited contingent!) At the points of sale of Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX, DD Tickets, Zaokret, Šikarica and FELIX Shop, TC Sremska (2nd floor, working hours: 12 – 20h ). When the promotional tickets are sold out, the regular pre-sale price will be 500 dinars per day, and 600 dinars should be allocated per day for the ticket.
Wille & The Bandits is basically a classic three-band blues rock band, sounds similar to Cream and Jimmy Hendrix (Jimi Hendrix), which modeled the sound and musical boundaries in a unique and unexpected way.
This is a band that is classified as progressive or world music because of the use of bizarre instrumentation and the eclectic style of writing texts. So far, the band has been on tour with Deep Purple and John Balter Trio, and has also played at major festivals all over Europe. Wille & The Bandits is a band that equally leaves great impressions both to the audience of all ages and to the entire music scene, all thanks to energetic and heart-stirring performances.
Positive reviews were sent to their account, by BBC Radio 1 they were selected in the top 10 must see bands at the Glastonbury Festival 2014 and reached the second place on the British Blues list with their first single. Now they are on their tour of their third independent studio album. The fan base, the repertoire of sounds, styles and innovations of this band, grows upward.
Except for the media, the band is praised for their originality and a unique line between hands and blouses and by legendary legends like Ian Paice, Joe Bonamassa and Francis Rossi.
„Wille is a great slide guitarist. I love what these guys are doing! „- Joe Bonamassa
„I love the soul in their music.“ – Bob Harris
„It’s rare to find a band that is as dynamic as Wille & The Bandits, which sounds so comfortable and at the same time impressive at both ends of the sound spectrum. In today’s, modern world of one-time music, it’s refreshing to hear a band that still appreciates the art of creating album and which uses new instruments and new ideas in writing texts in relation to tried and tested methods Ten seconds on Jutjub will not even scratch the surface of their sound and the message they carry Wille & The Bandits is a band that is being revealed, and the best way to do it is – live!
These guys are munching and singing like angels and it takes little to understand why they belong to the festival atmosphere. „- Glastonbury Festival
„This incredibly talented band is great in playing no one or two musical directions, but in several directions and at an extremely high level.“ – Maverick Magazine
„If Cream spent more time on the Newquay beach, they might sound like they are.“ – Blues Matters Magazine
„Will’s voice immediately seizes you with the first sang of notes. It’s a great instrument, and when you play this way, notice how much this band is really high. „- Maverick Magazine
„A tremendous, movie psychoblast … takes breath“ – R2