Jojo Mayer / NERVE 25.04.2018. Dom omladine

Jojo Mayer / NERVE 25.04.2018. Dom omladine
Makedonska 22, Beograd


Sreda, 25. April 2018, 21.00h
Dom omladine Beograda, sala Amerikana

Prodaja karata: i

„Čovek nije mašina i nije stvoren da svira kao mašina. Ali mi imamo nešto sto nas može učiniti boljim od mašina, i ja postajem sve zainteresovaniji za kreativnu razliku između 1 i 0 binarnog sistema. To je ono što želim da istražim. To je magija. Nije opipljivo, ali je ljudi osete.“
– Jojo Mayer

Nakon što su prošlog juna oduševili publiku na Terminal Music & Arts Festivalu, Jojo Mayer / NERVE premijerno će nastupiti u Beogradu! U sklopupromocije ovogodišnjeg izdanja festivala, Terminal Music & Arts Festival i Dom Omladine Beograda imaju zadovoljstvo da beogradskoj publici predstave Jojo Mayer/NERVE – jedan od najinovativnijih bubnjara današnjice će, uz svoj live bend, Beogradu prirediti vanvremensko muzičko iskustvo.

NERVE je live bend iz Njujorka, osnovan 1997, koji vešto izmiče žanrovskim odrednicama – iako njihovu muziku opisuju kao mešavinu old school-a, jungle-a, dubstep-a i glitch beat-ova, ali i minimal i tech house-a, sve ove reči nisu dovoljne da opišu kompleksnost njihovog muzičkog izraza. Balansirajući vešto između tehničke savršenosti i spontanosti, Jojo Mayer/NERVE kroz svoje nastupe, zasnovane na improvizaciji, stvaraju muziku jedinstvene forme i dinamike.

Osim Jojo Mayer-a na bubnjevima, NERVE čine John Davis na bas gitari, Jacob Bergson na klavijaturama, dok je za zvuk i audio efekte zadužen Aaron Nevezie. Pored dugogodišnje saradnje sa Roli Mosimann-om, Jason Lindner-om i Takuya Nakamura-om, na spisku umetnika sa kojima su NERVE sarađivali nalaze se i Bugge Wesseltoft, DJ Shadow, Shawn Pelton, Tim Lefebvre, Karsh Kale, MC Malik Work, Salt Cathedral, Vernon Reid, Moshen Namjoo, i mnogi drugi.

Gde mogu da kupim karte?
Karte za koncert Jojo Mayer /NERVE mogu se kupiti na svim prodajnim mestima Gigstix-a i Eventim-a.

Požurite, prvih 100 karata prodaju se po promo ceni od 1.300 RSD!
Redovna cena ulaznice iznosi 1.600 RSD i važi do 08. aprila, nakon čega će ulaznice koštati 1.800 RSD.

Početak koncerta zakazan je za 21.00h, u Sali Amerikana Doma omladine Beograda.
open door: 19.30h

www.terminalfest.orgTERMINAL CHECK-IN BELGRADE

Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 21.00h
Dom omladine Beograda, američka sala

Ticket sales: and

„Man is not a machine and is not created to play as a machine, but we have something that can make us better than machines, and I get more and more interested in the creative difference between the 1 and 0 binary systems, that’s what I want to explore. It’s not tangible, but people feel. “
– Jojo Mayer

After last June’s enthusiasm for the audience at the Terminal Music & Arts Festival, Jojo Mayer / NERVE will perform in Belgrade for the first time! As part of the promotion of this year’s edition of the festival, the Terminal Music & Arts Festival and the Youth Center of Belgrade have the pleasure of presenting Jojo Mayer / NERVE to the Belgrade audience – one of the most innovative drummers of today, with their live band, will be given a timeless music experience to Belgrade.

NERVE is a live band from New York, founded in 1997, which skillfully escapes genres – although they describe their music as a mixture of old school, jungle, dubstep and glitch beat, but also minimal and tech house, all these words are not enough to describe the complexity of their musical expression. By balancing skill between technical perfection and spontaneity, Jojo Mayer / NERVE, through their performances based on improvisation, create music of unique form and dynamics.

Apart from Joya Mayer on drums, NERVE make John Davis on bass guitar, Jacob Bergson on keyboards, while for sound and audio effects Aaron Nevezie is in charge. In addition to the long-standing collaboration with Rola Mosimann, Jason Lindner and Takuya Nakamura, there are also Bugge Wesseltoft, DJ Shadow, Shawn Pelton, Tim Lefebvre, Karsh Kale, MC Malik Work, Salt on the list of artists with whom NERVE collaborated. Cathedral, Vernon Reid, Moshen Namjoo, and many others.

Where can I buy tickets?
Jojo Mayer / NERVE concert tickets can be purchased at all Gigstix and Eventim outlets.

Hurry, the first 100 tickets are sold at a promotional price of 1,300 RSD!
The regular ticket price is RSD 1,600 and is valid until April 8, after which tickets will cost RSD 1,800.

The beginning of the concert is scheduled for 21:00, in the Hall of the American House of Youth of Belgrade.
open door: 19.30h


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