U ponedeljak 2. aprila od 20 časova, otvaramo specijalnu dokumentarnu izložbu kao centralni događaj obeležavanja važnog jubileja: stogodišnjice od smrti Gustava Klimta, tvorca bečke secesije. Izložba Gustav Klimt, preteča moderne realizuje se u saradnji sa Austrijskim kulturnim forumom u Beogradu uz podršku kompanije Frikom. Opisivanjem najvažnijih događaja iz Klimtovog života i umetničkog života u Beču ova postavka ima za cilj da rasvetli celoviti opus ovog umetnika, kao i njegov značaj tokom tzv. „turn of the century“ epohe.
Poslednjih decenija XIX veka Beč, kao prestonica Austrougarskog carstva, jedna je od značajnih umetničkih metropola. Bečko društvo naviknuto na klasicizam i istorijske stilove polako dolazi do tačke zasićenja. Upravo tu stupa na scenu Klimt, prvo kao slikar dekorater, koji zajedno sa bratom Ernstom radi na oblikovanju enterijera mnogih državnih reprezentativnih zdanja, zatim kao proiznati slikar koji je takođe zasićen istorijskim stilovima i želi promene. 1897. godine Klimt se odriče članstva u udruženju bečkih umetnika i osniva sopstveno udruženje, Bečku Secesiju, koje počinje da osvežava umetnički život Beča. Isprva kritikovan, osporavan, Klimt je stekao brojne mecene, pripadnike intelektualne elite carstva, a udruženje je preraslo u jedan umetnički stil u slikarstvu, skulpturi i arhitekturi, stil koji je naglo prekinuo tracije klasicizma i eklektike, pa otuda i ime secesija.
Izložba se bavi i Klimtovim odnosima sa mnogobrojnim ženama, naročito sa Emili Floege. Ovaj odnos nije do kraja rasvetljen, ali je Emili bila jedna od važnijih Klimtovih muza i model za najpoznatiju sliku Poljubac (gde je Klimt naslikao i sebe). Floege, poslovna žena sestra supruge Klimtovog brata, dizajnirala je reformatorsku odeću, koja je ženama davala slobodu kretanja, dok su Klimtovi portreti davali slobodu izraza i neophodnu svežinu koja je bila potrebna u novom veku.
Slika Poljubac, nastala je 1907, a već naredne godine država je otkupila delo, posle izložbe Kunstschau, što označava trijumf moderne struje sa Klimtom u samom njenom jezgru.
Na svečanom otvaranju publici će se obratiti Johannes Irschik, direktor Austrijskog kulturnog foruma u Beogradu i Dejan Ubović direktor Kulturnog centra Grad.
Tokom koktela posetioci će moći da degustiraju i Grandissimo sladoled kojim kompanija Frikom obeležava stogodišnjicu od smrti Klimta. Svako vrhunsko umetničko delo pruža neponovljivi doživljaj svakome od nas. Sa tim ciljem, inspirisan genijalnošću ovog vrhunskog umetnika, Frikom je stvorio sladoled bogatog ukusa sa raskošnim detaljima poput najvećih remek dela.
… Grandissimo sladoled pružiće posebne trenutke uživanja i inspiracije.In collaboration with Austrian KulturForum in Belgrade, and with the support of Frikom we are opening a special documentary exhibition titled Gustav Klimt, Modernism Predecessor, on Monday 2 April at 8pm. This year marks a century of Klimt’s passing away, and the exhibition is celebrating the artist’s legacy through records of the most important events of his as well as the artistic life of Vienna on the turn of the century.
More than a century ago, in the last decades of 19th century Vienna was one of the artistic capitals, with its society favoring classical art and eclecticism of historic styles, up to the point of oversaturation. A prominent figure of that society, Klimt, started as a decorative interior painter along with his brother Ernst, executing interior paintings and decoration for several state palaces and buildings. Klimt was also feeling that classical art saturation and was tired of repetition, thus in the year 1897 he has left the Viennese art association and established his own, Wiener Secession, aiming to transform and modernize art in the Empire. At first criticized and denied state commissions, Klimt has slowly attracted the intellectual elite of the Habsburg Empire, the elite who is also hungry for change and modernization. Such people became his patrons, and Klimt became a portraitist and landscape painter, creating the Art Nouveau/Secession style which is breaking up with classical eclecticism and implementing modern artistic expression.
The exhibition explores Klimt’s relationships with women, especially the mysterious friendship with Emilie Floege, one of his important muses for paintings and photographs, and the model for his most famous work, The Kiss (where Klimt included himself kissing Emilie). Floege was a business woman, a modern woman, a designer of then revolutionary clothing line, which enabled free movement, discarding corsets and ties for a flowy natural silhouette, while Klimt’s paintings had a similar effect, so the friendship was inevitable.
The Kiss was painted in 1907, and shown at Kunstschau exhibition the following year, resulting in state acquisition, regarded as Klimt’s triumph and triumph of modern style.
Johannes Irschik, director of Austrian KulturForum and Dejan Ubović director of Grad Cultural Center will open the exhibition and address the audience regarding this important anniversary, followed by a cocktail and exclusive launch of a limited edition Frikom Grandissimo ice-cream, inspired by Klimt. Every remarkable work of art provides a unique experience. Aiming for that same experience, and inspired by the unique artistic expression of Gustav Klimt, Frikom created a limited edition Grandissimo ice-cream, with a rich flavor and intricate details.
… Grandissimo will provide special moments of taste and inspiration.
Gustav Klimt: preteča moderne 02 – 08.04.2018.KC Grad
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