Beogradska politehnika već tradicionalno u Galeriji Doma kulture Studentski grad (Novi Beograd), organizuje izložbu studenskih radova Odeljenja za dizajn, kao integralni deo nastavnog procesa.
Naslovna tema ovogodišnje izložbe studentskih radova Zeleni krug simbolično ukazuje na naš odnos prema ekologiji i reciklaži. Ideja izložbe je povezivanje Odeljenja za dizajn i studijskog programa Reciklažne tehnologije. Cilj je da se društvenoj zajednici kroz istraživanja i edukaciju predstave procesi dizajna iz oblasti eko dizajna, reciklaže i novih tehnologija i njihovа kreativnа prenamenа bez upotrebe visokih i skupih resursa i tehnologija. S obzirom na to da je društvo danas preteranom potrošnjom ugušilo samo sebe, dizajn pokušava da reši problem različitim pristupima. Ukoliko želimo novo, kvalitetno, zdravo i svesno društvo, dizajn ima veliku ulogu u ostvarivanju tog cilja. U toku trajanja izložbe prezentovan je Wamppp projekat i kreativne reciklažne radionice na temu papir mašea, recikliranog nakita i recikliranih upotrebnih predmeta (suveniri, igračke). Pored društvene uloge reciklaže, na izložbi studenti prikazuju najuspešnije radove svih smerova: grafičkog, industrijskog i modnog, kao i umetničke predmete i završne radove sa temama na kojima su predstavljeni svi segmenti sociološkog aspekta – zdravstvo, obrazovanje, ekologija, kultura, antiratni pokreti i druge aktuelne teme savremenog društva.
Izložba obuhvata dva segmenta: izlagački i umetničke projekte. Predstavlja veliki značaj za sam nastavni proces kao vrednovanje i praćenje rada jedne generacije studenata. Savremena stremljenja iz oblasti dizajna, pojave i upotrebe novih tehnologija i materijala, sve masovnijeg korišćenja digitalnih tehnologija u dizajnu i zahteva tržišta, podstiče nas na osavremenjavanje i podizanje kvaliteta nastave i obavezuje da studente u skladu sa njihovom kreativnošću pripremamo za današnje tržište. Izložba je prilika da vrednujemo naše pedagoške sposobnosti u negovanju mladih talenata, kroz njihov rad u klasičnim likovnim tehnikama i digitalnim tehnologijama.
Izlagačka aktivnost je od bitnog značaja za studente. Upoznaju se sa organizacijom same postavke i javne prezentacije svoga rada. Za mnoge je to prvo profesionalno predstavljanje i sagledavnje rada u novoj dimenziji pred javnošću i medijima. Najbolji radovi iz umetničkih predmeta će biti izdvojeni dodelom Pohvale Beogradske politehnike. Ovom manifestacijom podstičemo studente na još veća angažovanja u svom kreativnom radu. Ukazujući javnosti na mlade talente upoznajemo buduće studente sa Beogradskom politehnikom i studijskim programima na Odeljenju za dizajn.
Prateći program – Radionice:
Papir maše – drži Davor Dukić, održaće se 19. 04. 2018. u 11.00
Reciklirani nakit – drži Ana Cvijanović održaće se 20. 04. 2018. u 11.00
Predavanje u okviru WAMPPP projekta održaće se na otvaranju izložbe 02. 04. 2018. u 18.00 u trajanju od 15 minuta.
Izložba traje do 28. aprila.Belgrade Polytechnic has traditionally been in the Gallery of the Cultural Center Studentski grad (Novi Beograd), organizes an exhibition of student works of the Department of Design as an integral part of the teaching process.
The theme of this year’s Green Curriculum exhibition is symbolically pointing to our relationship with ecology and recycling. The idea of the exhibition is to connect the Department of Design and the Recycling Technologies study program. The aim is to provide the community with research and education processes in designing designs in the field of eco design, recycling and new technologies and their creative conversion without the use of high and expensive resources and technologies. Given that today’s society has extinguished itself by excessive consumption, the design attempts to solve the problem with different approaches. If we want a new, high-quality, healthy and conscious society, design plays a major role in achieving this goal. During the exhibition, Wamppp project and creative recycling workshops on paper massage, recycled jewelery and recycled use items (souvenirs, toys) were presented. In addition to the social role of recycling, at the exhibition students exhibit the most successful works of all directions: graphic, industrial and fashion, as well as artwork and final papers with topics on which all segments of the sociological aspect are presented – health, education, ecology, culture, antiwar movements and others current topics of contemporary society.
The exhibition includes two segments: exhibitions and art projects. It is of great importance for the teaching process itself as evaluating and monitoring the work of one generation of students. Contemporary trends in the field of design, appearance and use of new technologies and materials, all the massive use of digital technologies in design and market demands, encourages us to modernize and improve the quality of teaching and oblige students to prepare for today’s market in accordance with their creativity. The exhibition is an opportunity to evaluate our pedagogical skills in fostering young talents, through their work in classical fine arts and digital technologies.
Exhibiting activity is essential for students. They get acquainted with the organization of the setting itself and the public presentation of their work. For many, this is the first professional presentation and the overview of work in a new dimension to the public and the media. The best works from art objects will be separated by the award of the Praise of the Belgrade Polytechnic. With this event, we encourage students to engage even more in their creative work. Pointing to the public on young talents, we will introduce future students to the Belgrade Polytechnic and study programs at the Department of Design.
Supporting program – Workshops:
Paper Mass – held by Davor Dukic, will be held on April 19, 2018 at 11.00
Recycled jewelry – held by Ana Cvijanović will be held on April 20th, 2018 at 11.00
Lecture within the WAMPPP project will be held at the opening of the exhibition on 02. 04. 2018. at 18.00 for 15 minutes.
The exhibition lasts until April 28th.