„Embryo – to su vam ludo kreativni muzičari koji sviraju neke jako dobre stvari!“ (Miles Davis)
„Već 40 godina Embryo pravi najuzbudljiviju fuziju muzike iz celog sveta“ (Eurock reviews)
„Ovo je “muzika sveta”“ (Thom Jurek)
Jedan od najoriginalnijih i najneobičnijih krautrok bendova današnjice, Embryo spaja tradicionalnu etno muziku sa sopstvenim džez space rock stilom. U svojih 30 godina iskustva na sceni i 20 izdatih albuma, bend je proputovao svet svirajući sa stotine različitih muzičara svih žanrova.
3.aprila dolaze u KC Grad i ovom prilikom se prvi put predstavljaju beogradskoj publici
Formirani 1969 u Minhenu u Nemačkoj, Embryo predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih nemačkih džez – rok bendova sedamdesetih, a kritika ih opisuje i kao eklektični krautrok bend. U svojoj dugogodišnjoj karijeri svirali su sa velikim džez pijanistom Mal Waldronom, saksofonistom Charlie Marianom, te imenima kao što su Trilok Gurtu, Fela Kuti i mnogi drugi.
Energija koju proizvode na sceni nije rezultat samo ingeniozne muzičke tehnike, već I činjenice da ova ekipa u svako svoje izvođenje iskreno utiskuje svoja iskustva. Bilo da je reč o njihovoj bus turneji po Indiji, putovanju u Maroko, Nigeriju ili Japan – bend je poput nomada svuda primao uticaje kultura ovih zemalja. Stoga nije ni čudo što kritičari njihov žanrovski razvoj opisuju kao prelaz sa krautrok džeza na “world music” žanr.
O slobodnom i nekonvencionalnom duhu grupe svedoči i činjenica da od 2016, Marja Burchard, ćerka bivšeg frontmena Christiana Burcharda, postaje vodeća članica benda, a kako je i sama odrasla sa bendom, ona sastavu daje novu energiju.
Sa Embryo sve je u fuziji: džez, rok, etno, improvizacije – sve se stapa u čistu muziku i neponovljiv trip, koji se izgleda neće skoro završiti.
Koncert je podržan od strane Goethe Instituta u Beogradu.
Cena karte: 300 rsd
Formed in 1969 in Germany by Christian Burchard (1946 – 2018). One of the most original and innovative Krautrock bands, Embryo is fusing traditional music with their own jazzy space rock style. They played with the great Jazzpianist Mal Waldron, saxophone player Charlie Mariano, world stars like Trilok Gurtu, Fela Kuti and many others.
Since 2016 Christian Burchard´s daughter: Marja, born 1985,who grew up with the Band, is leading Embryo. She bring´s new Energy but with the same Spirit.
Jazz, Rock, Ethno Melodies, Rhythms and Improvisations are fusing into a new Sound never heard before. It s pure music.
Also with the new Generation Embryo keeps flowing on and on.
“Embryo – they are these crazy creative musicians playing really great stuff” Miles Davis
Maasl Maier / bass, irish bouzouki, marimba
Jakob Thun / drums, percussion
Wolfi Schlick / sax, flute
Sascha Lüer / sax, trumpet
Louis Bankavs/ guitar
Marja Burchard / vibraphone, marimba, trumbone, keyboard
The concert is supported by Goethe Institute in Belgrade.
Ticket price: 300 rsd„Embryo – these are crazy creative musicians who play some really good stuff!“ (Miles Davis)
„For 40 years, Embryo has become the most exciting fusion of music from all over the world“ (Eurock reviews)
„This is“ the music of the world „(Thom Jurek)
One of the most original and most unusual bands of today, Embryo combines traditional ethno music with its own space rock jazz. In its 30 years of experience on the scene and 20 released albums, the band has traveled through the world playing with hundreds of different musicians of all genres.
April 3rd are coming to KC City and this is the first time presented to the Belgrade audience
Formed in 1969 in Munich, Germany, Embryo is one of the most important German jazz bands of the seventies, and criticism also describes them as an eclectic curve band. In his many years of career, he played with the great jazz pianist Mal Waldron, saxophonist Charlie Marian, and names such as Trilok Gurt, Fela Kuti and many others.
The energy produced on the scene is not only the result of ingenious music techniques, but also the fact that this team in each of their performances truly impresses their experiences. Whether it is their bus tour to India, traveling to Morocco, Nigeria, or Japan – the band is like a nomadic country everywhere receiving the influences of the cultures of these countries. Therefore, it is no wonder that critics describe their genre-evolution as a transition from the jumble of jazz to the „world music“ genre.
The group’s free and unconventional spirit is also witnessed by the fact that since 2016, Marja Burchard, the former frontman of Christiana Burchard, became the leading band member, and as she grew up with the band, she has a new energy.
With Embryo everything is in the fusion: jazz, time, ethno, improvisation – everything stacks in pure music and an unmistakable trip, which looks almost unfinished.